RECALL Configuration
Recalls a previously stored configuration from the specified memory location. To recall a configuration use the Up and Down arrow keys to select the memory location number and press the Left or Right arrow key. You will be prompted to press the key to verify that you want to overwrite the active configuration. If you press any other key, the configuration will not be recalled.
Note: A zero configuration is available for recall. This configuration resets the instrument to the factory default settings.
Shot Counter
The 9412/9412A includes a nine (9) digit shot counter. The maximum count displayed is 4,294,967,295 after which the count rolls over to zero. To manually reset the counter to zero, press the Left or Right arrow key, at which time you will prompted to press the key to ver- ify that you want to zero the counter. If you press any other key, the shot counter will not be reset.
The character used as a decimal point can be set to either a "." (period) or a "," (comma). The period is generally used in North America, while the comma is used in Europe.
The key click volume may be adjusted from 0 (disabled) to 9. The default value is 2.