National Geographic 260NE manual

Page 6

6.0 Maximum and Minimum Temperature

1.Press the MAX/MIN button once to display the maximum readings. Press the MAX/MIN button again to display the minimum readings.

2.To clear the memory, press the CLEAR button when the max/min temperature and humidity is displayed. It will clear the record of the shown field.

7.0 ºC/ºF Switchable

The default measurement for temperature is °F, press the ºC/ºF button to toggle between Celsius and Fahrenheid.

8.0 Signal Detection

The signal indicator on the monitor will display the following in the outdoor temperature window:


No Signal Detected

Signal Detected

Successful Reception

9.0 Remote Sensor

1.Press the ºC/ºF button on the back of the remote sensor to change the temperature measurement to Celsius or Fahrenheit.

2.Press the SELECT button to toggle between temperature reading and the humidity reading.

10.0 Care of Your Thermometer

Avoid exposing the thermometer to extreme temperatures, water or severe shock.

Avoid contact with any corrosive materials such as alcohol, cleaning agents or perfume.

Do not subject the thermometer to excessive force, shock, dust, temperature or humidity. Any of these conditions may shorten the life of the thermometer.

Do not tamper with any of the internal components of this thermometer. This will void the warranty and may cause damage.


Image 6
Contents +%C Page Indoor/Outdoor Wireless H eat Index Thermometer    Page Page Õ“ˆ`ˆÌÞÊiÃÕÀˆ˜Ê,˜i “«iÀÌÕÀiÊiÃÕÀˆ˜Ê,˜i“«iÀÌÕÀiÊ iVŽˆ˜Ê˜ÌiÀۏ œÜiÀÊ-œÕÀViÊ ­Žˆ˜iÊLÌÌiÀˆiÃÊÀiVœ““i˜`i`ÀÀ˜ÌÞÊ…˜`ˆ˜ Page    Page Page ““iÊ`iÊ“iÃÕÀiÃÊ`iʏ½…Õ“ˆ`ˆÌj ““iÊ`iÊ“iÃÕÀiÃÊ`iʏÊÌi“«jÀÌÕÀi˜ÌiÀۏiÊ`ÕÊÀiiÛjÊ`iʏÊÌi“«jÀÌÕÀi ˆ“i˜Ì̈œ˜Ê­«ˆiÃʏVˆ˜iÃÊÀiVœ““˜`jiÃPage Page    Page Page Page Page Page    Page Page Page Page Page    Page Page Especificaciones Page Page    Page Page Måleområde for fuktighet TemperaturmåleområdeTemperaturkontroll- intervall Strømkilde Alkaliske batterier anbefalesPage Page    Page Page Fuktighetsmätningsintervall TemperaturmätningsintervallKontrollintervall för temperatur Energikälla Alkaliska batterier rekommenderasFjernet eller uleselig Page         Page Page Page Page Page    Reset Page $EP$QSZEPL’BEOPžDJ$ $EP$QSZEPL’BEOPžDJ$EPQSZEPL’BEOPžDJ EPQSZEPL’BEOPžDJPage ǮȍȒȖȜȠȓȞȚȜȚȓȠȞ ǷȘȍșȍȠȓȝșȜȏȜȐȜȟȠȞȓȟȟȍ DZȟșȜȏȖȭǦțȍȥȓțȖȓFBU ǮȓȍȘȤȖȭȜȞȐȍțȖȕȚȍ ǬȍȥȍșȜȞȍȎȜȠȩ DzȟȠȞȍțȓțȖȓțȓȝȜșȍȒȜȘǫȍȘȟȖȚȍșȪțȍȭȖȚȖțȖȚȍșȪțȍȭȠȓȚȝȓȞȍȠȡȞȍ DzȒȍșȓțțȩȗȒȍȠȥȖȘ ǮȓȞȓȘșȬȥȍȠȓșȪ$ǭȎțȍȞȡȔȓțȖȓȟȖȐțȍșȍ ǫȓȞȩȝȞȓȒȜȟȠȜȞȜȔțȜȟȠȖǦȟȠȜȥțȖȘȝȖȠȍțȖȭ ȞȓȘȜȚȓțȒȡȬȠȟȭȧȓșȜȥțȩȓȎȍȠȍȞȓȗȘȖ ǦțȠȓȞȏȍșȝȞȜȏȓȞȘȖȠȓȚȝȓȞȍȠȡȞȩǢȖȍȝȍȕȜțȖȕȚȓȞȓțȖȭȏșȍȔțȜȟȠȖ DzȒȍșȓțțȩȗȒȍȠȥȖȘȎȚȓȟȠȓȟȜȎȩȥțȩȚȎȩȠȜȏȩȚȚȡȟȜȞȜȚ ǡȍȞȍț Ƞ ȖȗțȜȓȜȎȟșȡȔȖȏȍțȖȓǧȟȘșȬȥȓțȖȭȖȕȐȍȞȍț Ƞ ȖȗțȩȣȜȎȭȕȍȠȓșȪȟȠ ȏ  RH% RH%  @