It is our policy to promote safe delivery of all orders. This shipment has been thoroughly checked, packed and inspected before leaving our plant and receipt for it in good condition has been received from the carrier. Any loss or damage which occurs to this shipment while enroute is not to any action or conduct of the manufacturer.
Visible loss or damage
If any of the goods called for on the billof lading or express receipt are damaged or the quantity is short, do not accept them until the freight or express agent makes an appropriate notation on your freight bill or express receipt.
Concealed loss or damage
When a shipment has been delivered to you in apparent good condition, but upon opening the crate or container, loss or damage has taken place while in transit, notify the carrier's agent immediatly.
Damage claims
You must file claims for damage with the carrier. It is the transportation company's responsibility to reimburse you for repair or replacement of goods damaged in shipment. Claims for loss or damage in shipment must not be deducted from the