b.A quick busy tone followed by a restored call (on supported platforms only): This means the transferee has received a 4xx response for the INVITE and we will try to recover the call. The busy tone is just to indicate to the transferor that the transfer has failed.
c.Continuous busy tone: The phone has timed out.
Note:continuous busy tone does not indicate the transfer has been successful, nor does it indicate the transfer has failed. It often means there was a failure to receive second NOTIFY – check firmware for most recent release.
Attended Transfer
This function is applicable using the Handset for VoIP calls only. Assume that parties A and B are in conversation. PartyA wants to Attend TransferB to C:
1.A presses RECALL on the Handset for dial tone.
2.A then dials Caller C’s number followed by # (or wait for 4 seconds).
3.If C answers the call, A and C are in conversation. Then A can hang up to complete transfer.
4.If C does not answer the call, A can press “flash” to resume call with Caller B.
Note:When Attended Transfer fails and A hangs up, the DP715 will ring back user A to remind A that B is still on the call. A can pick up the phone to resume conversation with B.
The DP715 supports Bellcore style
Instructions for 3-way conference:
Assume that partiesA and B are in conversation. PartyA wants to bring C into a
1.A presses RECALL (on the Handset) to get a dial tone.
2.A dials C’s number then # (or wait for 4 seconds).
3.If C answers the call, then A presses RECALL to bring B, C in the conference.
4.If Cdoes not answer the call, A can press RECALL back to talk to B.
5.If A presses RECALL during conference, C will be dropped out.
6.If A hangs up, the conference will be terminated for all three parties when configuration “Transfer on Conference Hang up” is set to “No”. If the configuration is set to “Yes”, A will transfer B to C so that B and C can continue the conversation.
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