MEM (Memory)
From the idle mode display,press MEM, the screen will now display:
Enter the
CLR to clear the display and allow you to enter another loca- tion number,
EXIT to exit Memory Dialing, and return to the idle mode display.
You can also access directory records by entering the name of the desired party. See PHONE BOOK for details.
With the Handset in the idle (OFF) mode, press the MENU key to access the following options:
Caller ID
Phone Book
Ringer ToneNol
KeyBeep OnIOff
Set Time
AutoAns (Auto Answer) On/Off
Set ToneIPulse
Del (delete) MSG Icon.
and then ask for another
With the contentsof the Phone Book record displayed, press:
DIAL to access the line and dial the displayed phone number,
Use the A1 keys to select the desired option, then press ENTER.
Becausethere are only three linesto display information, only three of the menu options will be displayed at a time. The first screen displayed is:
1.Caller ID
2.Phone Book
3.Ringer ToneNol
The second screen is:
4.KeyBeep OnIOff
5.Set Time
6.Clear ALL MEM