You can adjust the Handset ringer style and volume level. There are 4 ringer styles and 3 volume levels: HI, LO, and OFF.
Once you have selected RINGER TONENOL (Menu selection #3), the Handset will display:
To select a ringer style, press the RING soft key.
To adjust ringer volume, press the VOL soft key.
Press SAVE to confirm your selec- tions. The screen will display Setting Updated, and return to the idle mode display.
If you select RingerVolume HI ,the idle mode screen will display'l[A~]".
If you select Ringer Volume LO, the idle mode screen will display"cAj".
If you select Ringer Volume OFF, the idle mode screen will display
Asyou useyour Sprint 1733handset, you will hear a quiet beep with each keypress. You canturn thisfeature off, if you choose KEY BEEP to be OFF.
Once you have selected KEY BEEP ONIOFF(Menuselection#4),the Hand- set will display:
Press ON or OFF, depending on your preference,then pressSAVE. The screen will display Setting Updated, and return to the idle mode display.
Factory default setting is Key Beep ON.