If you want to save the phone number in a different location, press CLR, and then enter the
Press SAVE.The screen will confirm your location selection.
- 0 R -
Press EXIT to cancel the opera- tion and return to the idle mode display. The screen will display:
To dial, use the A/ scroll keys to select the desired dialing option, then press DlAL or
- OR -
Enter the desired number key, 1 through 4. The Sprint 1733 will access dial tone, and dial the selected sequence.
- -
DEL (Delete)
Press DEL while reviewing a Caller ID record. The screen will display:
Press DlAL or PHONE when re- viewing a Caller ID record. The screen will display up to 4 dialing options:
. 1.
Long Distance (11 digits)
Area Code+ local# (10 digits)
"Local" Long distance (8 dig- its)
Press YES to delete the dis- played Caller ID record. The screen will say:
Press NO to cancel the deletion, and return to the main display.