Reviewing the Call Forwarding Information
If you subscribe to your phone company's call forwarding service, the phone company will forward the phone call from the main telephone to the assigned telephone so you will not miss the phone call. To see the call forwarding information, be sure to connect the TAD to the assigned telephone. The phone company offers three call forwarding services — Call Forward Universal, Call For- ward Busy, and Call Forward Unanswer.
If you subscribe to the Call Forward Univer- sal Service, the phone company directly for- wards any phone call from the main telephone to the assigned telephone and CALL FORWARD appears.
If you subscribe to the Call Forward Busy Service, the phone company will forward the phone call to the assigned telephone when the main telephone is busy and CALL FWD BUSY appears.
If you subscribe to the Call Forward Unan- swer Service, the phone company will for- ward the phone call to the assigned telephone when the main telephone does not answer the call, and CALL FWD UNANS ap- pears.
When the TAD receives the call forwarding
information, appears. If you answer the
forwarded phone call, and == TALK == appear to indicate the TAD is in use.
•The TAD will not delete Caller ID records or messages that have not been reviewed or played.
•You cannot delete Caller ID records dur- ing a call.
Deleting a Single Call
To delete a specific call record, repeatedly press :/8 or 9/; until the call you want to delete appears. Then press DELETE.
To delete a call that has a message, repeat- edly press :/8 or 9/; until the desired call appears. Press PLAY to play the mes- sage, then press DELETE during the play- back. After the message is deleted, press DELETE to delete the Caller ID record. DE- LETE MARK and DEL appear. Then wait for 8 seconds, or press STOP to return to the current time display.
Deleting All Calls
To delete all calls, press DELETE on the cur- rent date/time display until dEL ALL 8 CID
9MSG appears, then press :/8. To re- turn to the current time display, wait for 8 seconds, or press STOP.
Your TAD lets you save up to 10 phone num- bers in its VIP Call List. Whenever someone calls from one of those 10 numbers, if you subscribe to Caller ID, the TAD sounds dis- tinctive beeps after the first ring to alert you.
Marking a Call Record as a VIP Call Record
1.Repeatedly press :/8 or 9/; to dis- play the call record you want to mark as a VIP call.
2.Hold down VIP until VIP appears on the display and the TAD beeps once.
3.Press STOP to return to the current time display.
Note: If you try to save more than 10 call records as VIP calls, VIP IS FULL ap- pears.
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