Important: Do not tell callers that you are not home. Instead, say that you cannot come to the phone right now.
3.When you finish recording, press STOP/TIME SET. The TAD automati- cally plays back the outgoing mes- sage.
To play back your outgoing OGM 1 mes- sage at any time, press OGM 1. A1 ap- pears, the TAD beeps, and the outgoing message plays.
To play back your OGM 2 message at any time, press OGM 2, A2 appears, the TAD beeps, and the
The ring select switch on the back of the TAD controls how long the TAD waits before it answers a call. Slide the switch to the appropriate position.
2 — The TAD answers after two rings.
4 — The TAD answers after four rings.
7 — The TAD answers after seven rings.
T.S. (Toll Saver) — If there are new mes- sages, the TAD answers after two rings. Otherwise, the TAD answers after four rings. This lets you avoid unnecessary charges when calling by