We do not expect you to have any problems with your answering system, but if you do, be sure you installed the tape correctly and turned on the system. If you still have a problem, this chart might help. If not, take the answering system to your lo- cal RadioShack store for assistance.
Problem | Cause | Solution | |
| |
| |
The answering sys- | The system is turned off. | Turn on the answering sys- | |
tem does not answer |
| tem by rotating VOLUME | |
and record callers’ |
| toward HI. | |
messages. |
| |
The outgoing message | Record an outgoing mes- | ||
| |||
| is not recorded. | sage. | |
| |
| Bad phone line connec- | Check and reconnect the | |
| tion. | modular phone plug. | |
| |
| Check to see if the phone | |
| works properly. | |
| |
| Be sure you have electrical | |
| power. | |
| |
The answering sys- | The caller hung up with- | If this happens often, dis- | |
tem records a dial | out leaving a message | cuss the problem with your | |
tone, beeping, or the | or without using the | phone company. | |
operator’s voice | maximum time, and |
| |
instead of the caller’s | your phone company |
| |
message. | does not send out CPC |
| |
| (Calling Party Control) |
| |
| signals. |
| |
| |
The answering sys- | The answering system | Turn on the answering sys- | |
tem does not respond | has been turned on by | tem by rotating VOLUME | |
to any button. | remote. | toward HI. | |
| |
| The answering system | Reset the answering sys- | |
| is locked up. | tem by unplugging the AC | |
| adapter from the AC outlet | |
| then plugging it in again. | |