When a command is sent to the
Table 5-1 Command Summary
Null Command | <CR> ……………………………………. |
Auto Answer Command | AUTO_ANS <ONOFF?> <CR> ……. |
Audible Ring Command | AUD_RING <ONOFF?> <CR> …….. |
Date Command | DATE <ddmmyy> <CR> ……………… |
Dial Command | DIAL <OPERLPnumber string> <CR> |
Disconnect Command | DISC <CR> ……………………………. |
Generate DTMF command | +DTMF <number string> <CR> ………. |
Handset Phone Command | HS_PH <ONOFF?> <CR> …………. |
Handset Radio Command | HS_RAD <ONOFF?> <CR> ……….. |
Speaker Phone Command | SPKR_PH <ONOFF?> <CR> ……… |
Speaker Radio Command | SPKR_RAD <ONOFF?> <CR> ……. |
Speed Dial Command | SD <nnALL> <num.?> <CR> |
TEL_LINE_PH <ONOFF?> <CR> …. | |
Time Command | TIME <hhmmss> <CR> …………..… |
Software Version Command | VER <CR> ……………………………….. |
JPS Communications, Inc. |