22 | Caller ID Operation & Programming |
Marking a Call
The MARK button is used to designate a call as NEW or OLD. To keep track of a call that has already been reviewed, change its designation from OLD to NEW.
1.Scroll through the Call History list.
2.When the desired number shows on the display, press the MARK button to tag the entry as NEW.
Removing Call Records from Call History
1.To delete a single call record, press the DELETE button when the desired number shows on the display. The screen will display “Call Removed”.
2.ToremoveallcallsfromCallHistory,presstheDELETEbuttonwhile the telephone is idle. The screen will display “Removing All Calls”.
Press the DELETE button again and the entire Call History list will be deleted. The display screen will return to idle mode.
h h : m mm m / d d
0 calls | 0 new |
Caller ID Options
To change the Caller ID Option settings, use the arrow keys (▲ ▼) to make your selection. To advance to the next display, press the OPTION button.
Language Select Programming
Select which language you want to display, then press the PROGRAM button to save your selection.
Which Language?
➾English Espanol
➾Ingles Espanol