Chapter 1: Basic Troubleshooting
Figure 1-1. Error Conditions in the Operation of EC500
| Suggested Action or |
Situation | Possible Cause(s) | Resolution |
Users cannot receive | See the procedures in | See the procedures in |
EC500 calls on their cell | Chapter 2: What To Do When | Chapter 2: What To Do |
phones. | Users Cannot Receive | When Users Cannot |
| EC500 Calls for detailed | Receive EC500 Calls for |
| information on possible | detailed instructions on |
| sources of the problem. | troubleshooting this |
| problem. |
The user reports that all | Both XMOBILE extensions | Make sure that both |
calls go directly to the | may be bridged to the same | XMOBILE extensions are |
cellular voice mail, but | line appearance on the | not bridged to the same line |
the cell phone is ON and | principal phone. | appearance on the principal |
working fine. |
| phone. |
When running the list | The cell phone number has | Use the list all |
command, XMOBILES | not been administered on the | command or change the |
that you know are | Station screen, but in the | Station screen |
administered do not | ARS tables instead. | administration to include the |
appear. |
| cell phone number. |
| The number (or number | Don’t include the dial prefix. |
| plus*) used to match the cell |
| phone number includes the |
| dial prefix. |