| Suggested Action or |
Situation | Possible Cause(s) | Resolution |
The user hears a beep | Most likely the user is hearing | You have two possibilities: |
while on a call originating | the tone provided by the | 1) communicate to the user |
from the Avaya | Avaya Communications | that when a call waiting |
Communications Server, | Server when call waiting is | indication is heard, but the |
but is not able to use the | enabled at the switch. | user can’t switch the call, he |
call waiting feature on the |
| or she needs to hang up on |
cell phone to switch to |
| the first call in order to |
the other call. |
| receive the call, OR |
| 2) disable call waiting at the |
| switch level and the regular |
| call waiting capability |
| provided by the Cellular |
| Service Provider then |
| handles the call waiting |
| feature. |
The EC500 cell phone | The Cell Phone Number | Enter the full caller ID |
call into the office switch | field administered for the | number in the Cell Phone |
fails to provide the office | EC500 XMOBILE station | Number field. |
caller ID. | does not have the required |
| entry. |
| External trunks serving the | Change the routing |
| cell phone are using a | administration to route over |
| an ISDN trunk. | |
| The XMOBILE station is not | Bridge the XMOBILE station |
| bridged to the user’s desk | to the user’s desk phone. |
| phone. |
| The Mapping Mode field | Enter origination or |
| administered for the EC500 | both in the Mapping Mode |
| XMOBILE station does not | field. |
| contain origination or |
| both. |
| The external inbound call is | Contact the ISDN Service |
| not entering into the switch | Provider to ensure that |
| over an ISDN trunk. | inbound calls enter the |
| switch via an ISDN trunk. |
| The external inbound call | Create an XMOBILE station |
| does not enter the switch on | for the EC500 Cell Phone |
| which the EC500 Cell | with the proper mapping on |
| Phone’s XMOBILE station is | the switch that the call |
| administered. | enters. |
Issue 3 January 2002