With 2-line CapTel, calls to 9-1-1 are handled exactly the same as if you’d called from any other type of phone, plus you get captions of the call. Emergency services will be able to locate you and send help based on the location from which you place the call. To dial 9-1-1:
1.Pick up the handset and dial 9-1-1. Your call will be directly connected to the local emergency center for your area.
2.Make sure the light above the CAPTION button is on. If not, press the CAPTION button to turn the captions ON. You will receive captions of
everything the 9-1-1 call-taker says.
3.When 9-1-1 answers, state your emergency.
If you turn captions on in the middle of a call to 9-1-1, there will be
an initial delay between the time 9-1-1 answers and the time that captions begin as the CapTel phone connects to the Captioning Service. During that time, the 9-1-1 call-taker will be able to hear everything you say. State your emergency. If necessary, tell the 9-1-1 call-taker you are reading captions.
NOTE: The process for calling 9-1-1 is different when using 1-line CapTel, which automatically converts 9-1-1 calls to Voice Carry Over (VCO). Please refer to your CapTel user manual if you need more information about how 1-line calls to emergency services are different than 2-line calls.