Chatting with contacts
Tap a contact name to open a chat window. Enter your message in the text entry area at the bottom of the screen, or tap My Text to enter a preset message, then tap Send. To invite another contact to a
View full chat
Enter message here
Tap to send message
NOTE On the MSN Messenger screen, tap > Help for more information.
Tap to switch between chat windows
Tap to change your MSN status
Tap to switch back to the contacts list without closing a chat
Tap to add a new contact
Tap to choose a preset message
Tap to enter your own MSN status
Tap to invite more contacts to your chat
Tap to block a contact from seeing your status
Tap to display the current contacts you are chatting with
Tap to change your display name and customize other settings
Using MSN Hotmail
With MSN Hotmail, you can access your hotmail mailbox on your Pocket PC and send and receive
To open MSN Hotmail:
1.Tap Pocket MSN on the Today screen then tap MSN Hotmail.
> Programs > Pocket MSN > MSN Hotmail.
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