Casio PA-2400W Use of Flce, Termination of Flce, Operation, Input Parameter, Output Parameter

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7.3 Use of FLCE

The FLCE is an execution program, and there are two methods for the use.

￿FLCE individually

FLCE as child-process in user application

In the individual use mode, it can be started up by a shortcut in which necessary parameters are set as argument. Or in case it is started up in IDLE startup mode, FLCE.EXE icon can be accessed for direct access. In user application, the FLCE can be started up as child-process with argument for file transmission and etc. After completion of the transmission, termination code can be acquired as a return value of the process.

Before transmission via COM1 port, there is operation you must follow. If you do not follow the operation, PC LINNK automatically starts up as RS-232C cable is connected, which will cause the transmission to fail. The operation continues to be active until the setup is changed or cold-bootup takes place.


1.Select “Set up” in the start menu.

2.Tap “Communication” to open.

3.Select “Connection with PC”.

4.Deselect “Connect with PC if communication is possible”

5.Tap the OK button.

If you wish to have a communication by using with H/PC Explore and PC LINK, select the menu stated in operation step 4 above.

Input Parameter

Command line argument

: communication command, communication option, transmission pathname,


I/O interface to be used, baud rate, mode


: Set up registry only if the following default values must be changed.


I/O interface to be used (RS-232C, IrDA), baud rate, drive letter


(refer to Chapter7.9 “Setting Up Registry”.)

Output Parameter

Return value of Winmain : termination code (refer to Chapter 7.10 “Termination Codes”.)

7.4 Termination of FLCE

This FLCE utility will terminate if;

All specified commands are implemented normally, or notification of normal end is received from partner station.

Specified command results abnormal state, or notification of abnormal end is received from partner station.

Timeout for session establishment is 1 minute. If the session cannot be established within the period,

￿timeout will cause an error. “INFINITE” of timeout (= no timeout) can be set for continuous session. The cancel button in the status window which appears after the FLCE startup is tapped.


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Contents Version PA-2400W Library ManualTable of Contents Fchkce /G Fchkce /C Casio PrefaceSupported Files Bootup LibrarySystem Library SIPanel LibraryHost PC PA-2400W Copy System configuration3 I/O Bootup Library Dedicated Library and Utility System LibrarySIPanel Library File Check Utility File Transfer UtilityDevelopment Environment System Library Overview Title Function Details of FunctionParameters None Return Values Header #include CasioSys.h RemarksTurns off the backlight Language Interface Calling Sequence Backlight is on TrueFalse Backlight is offHeader #include CasioSys. h Remarks DisablePowerOff Bool EnablePowerOff Disable the power to be turned off with the power button Enable the power to be turned off with the power buttonHeader Bool ApoCountReset Void SoftReset Internal error Disables automatic power-on with the alarmLanguage Interface Calling Sequence Parameters Bool bModeBool GetPowerOnAlarm Default Sample program to acquire power-on event notification Bool GetPowerEventStat SIPanel Library Overview SIPANEL.DLLSIPANEL.EXE Restrictions Use of SIPanel LibraryProgram for starting up the library RegistryLpctstr lpParam Siphide SipshowSample program to start up the SIPanel Lptstr HinstanceTchar ClassName = Text CallSip Sample program of application software for business useTchar ClassNameTSR = TEXTSipTsr HbCallText = CreateWindow TEXTbutton, TEXTText AreaHWnd = CreateWindowClassName, ClassName Wsvisible Wsoverlapped WssysmenuLpCmdLine Find SipTsr Options of Command Line Px,ySw,h Function O Bootup Library OverviewIOBOX1.DLL PortDword Infinite = No timeout294,967,295 msec. equals to Infinite Fail to call the functionSequential Mode Multiple-Thread ModeUse of ioboxchk Sample Program Hwnd= Null WINDOWWIDTH/2 WsoverlappedWINDOWHEIGHT/2 NullCase Wmpaint Wait for 5 seconds Disable the power on by alarm Enable the power on event notificationRegistry of Libraries File Transfer Utility Overview RS-232C InterfaceIrDA 1.0 Interface List of Supported Commands Termination of Flce Use of FlceOperation Input ParameterRestrictions Options Communication CommandsTypes of Arguments OverwriteMethod of Describing Pathname Storage Card PC card My Documents Internal RAM ReferenceSpecifying Non-existing File Windows95 /Windows NT Required Error if omittedDOS Windows CESetting Up Items Setting Up RegistryHkey hKey1 Setting Up Registry with User ApplicationLong lReg1 Dword Disp1Return err Err=FALSE Else If err==TRUEShould take an action that is appropriate to each definition Termination CodesError Code Meaning Possible Cause Remedy Log File Name Log FileLocation of Log File Method of Creation12Precautions Details of Command and Option Destination directory pathname Transmission file pathnameFlce /S \casio\*.dat d\casiodat\ Flce /SR \casio\*.dat d\casiodat\Pathname of requested file Pathname\12\*.dat d\casio\*.* \casio data\ Flce /RR a\12\*.dat d\casio\*.* \casio data\Appended file pathname Target file pathnameFlce /A \MY\casio.dat b\your\master.dat Pathname of file to be deleted Without the R option Destination pathname Source pathnameFlce /N a\ 12\kk.dat a\casio\ Flce /N a\12\kk.dat a\casio\sj.datFlce /SR \casio ap\*.* \casio ap\ /T Parameters None SetupExampleFlce casio.scr Session with PCFlce /Y=COM1, , casio.scr Session between PA-2400W-and-PA-2400WIdle notification Command and StatusRetry Method Retry Process When Downloading FilePreparation at PC \soft\Restriction Preparation at PA-2400WRetry.scr File Check Utility Overview List of CommandsOperation Method Downloading file from PC to PA-2400WOperation Copying file with PC card from PA-2400W to PA-2400W Transmission side PA-2400WCopy PC card Describing Method 1Pathname Examples of specification for command and option Details about Command and OptionExamples of Correct Startup Example of Incorrect Startup no /G or /C optionCommand of Fchkce 1Generation of List File Comparison by List File Format of List File \AP\MENU.EXE 12345 \CONFIG.SYS 1000 \AUTOEXEC.BAT 512Example FILENO=3Childproccmd = C Syntax Analysis of Script FileOption = Recursiveoption Updateoption Recursiveoption = R Error Messages/Codes Restriction Specification of recursive call Option /SCSpecification of a script file nameAO Append output File name list or Script file nameFCHK.LOG file output directory name Destination directory name\casio\ .dat \casio data\ \casio\ Fchkce /G /R \casio\ .dat \casio data\ \casio\Option Does not compare the update dataFCHK.LOG file pathname Fchkce /C \casio data\