7.15 Retry Process When Downloading File
In this chapter, retry process for downloading files by the FLCE at time of a communication error is explained.
7.15.1 Overview
The retry process for file transmission can be implemented by the file transmission command with update option of the LMWIN. The update option enables file transmission only if a file to be transmitted by the
At a time of retry to transfer files by using the file transmission command with update option, files that are already transferred successfully can be skipped and only files that are not transferred can be transferred.
7.15.2 Retry Method
Preparation at PC
First, create script files for normal file transmission and retry file transmission (not using the script file for normal file transmission, the retry process can be possible by using normal file transmission mode with update option. However it takes a longer time.).
Example: Script file for normal file transmission
/S “c:\la\hpcall\*.*” “\” |
| |
/S | “c:\la\hpcall\card\*.*” | “\storage card\“ |
/S | “c:\la\hpcall\soft\*.*” | “\soft\“ |
For the script file of retry file transmission, append “U” to the /S option for the update option. Example: Script file for retry file transmission
/SU “c:\la\hpcall\*.*” “\” |
| |
/SU | “c:\la\hpcall\card\*.*” | “\storage card\“ |
/SU | “c:\la\hpcall\soft\*.*” | “\soft\“ |
Using the LMWIN’s script editor, the U option can be appended by checking the checkbox of “Update” in the Send menu.