During playback
To skip the tape
tABcl l 2 l
eress@ button.
-The unitskipsthe tapefor a few secondsduring playbackand startsPlaYback.
To back space the taPe
-The unitrewindsthe tapefor a few seconds duringplaybackand startsplayback'
To resetthe tapeafterPlaYback
| press | bufton. |
H | E | |
rewindsthe tapeto thebeginning. | ||
you playedbackonlynew messages,the |
unitrewindsthe tapeto the beginningof new messages.
- A beepsoundsafterrewindingtape.
lf you want to rewind the tape to the beginning after played back only new messages:
pressE buttonagainafterhearinga beep(thetapehasbeenreset).
lf you want to cancel resetting of the tape: rdri,l*
press I 2 buttonafterhearinga beep (thetapehasbeenreset).
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