Whenusingthisunit,basicsafety orecautionsas belowshould alwaysbe followedto reducethe riskof fire,electricshock,or personalinjury.
1. Readandunderstandall instructions.
2. Followallwarningsand instructionsmarkedon this unit .
3. Unplugthisunitfromwall outletsbeforecleaningDo. not use liquidor aerosol cleanersUse.a dampcloth for cleaning.
4.Do not usethisunitnear water,for example,neara bathtub,washbowl,kitchen sink,or the like.
5. Installthisunitsecurelyon a stablesurface.Serious damagemay resultif the unit falls.
6.Do not coverslotsand openingsof the unit,for they are providedfor ventilation and protectionagainst overheatingNever.placethe unitnearradiators,inlora placewhereproperventilation is not orovided.
7.Useonlythe powersourceas markedon the unit.lf you are not sureof the typeof the powersupplyto yourhome, consultyourdealeror local powercompany.
8.Do not placeobjectson the powercord.Installthe unit whereno one can stepon the coro.
9. Do not overloadwalloutlets and extensioncordsas this can resultin the riskof fireor electricshock.
10. Neverpushanyobjectsinto this unitthroughslotsas they may resultin riskof fire or electricshock.Neverspillany liquidon the unit.
11 . To reducethe riskof electric shock,do notdisassemble this unit,buttakeit to a qualifiedservicemanwhen someserviceor repairworkis requiredOpening.or removrngcoversmay expose you to dangerousvoltagesor otherrisks.Incorrect reassemblycancauseelectric shockwhentheapplianceis subsequentlyused.
12.Unplugthisunitfromthe wall outletand referservicingto qualifiedservicepersonnel underthe followingconditions:
A.Whenthe powersupply cordor plugis damagedor frayed.
B.lf liquidhasbeenspilled intothe unit.
C.lf the unithasbeen exoosedto rainor water.
D.lf the unitdoesnot work normallyby followingthe operatinginstructions. Adjustonlycontrols coveredby the operating instructions,for improper adjustmentmay require extensiveworkby a qualifiedtechnician.
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