To turn off theansweringsystem
1.Callyourunitfroma touchtonetelephone.
3.PressI O I Orttonafterpressingtheremotecodenumber. Youransweringmachineisautomaticallyturnedoff.Thenhangup.
To turn on theansweringsystem
Youcaneasilyturnontheansweringsystemevenwhenyouforgottoturnit on .
2 |
| Waitfor 15rings. |
a a a a |
| - The unitwillanswer,andthegreeting | |
| - |
| ||
| I 15rinosI | messageis heard. | |||
| I |
| ' | l | |
| t: |
| Then,hangup. |
To recordyour own message
Afterplayingbackthe recordedmessages,you can leaveyourown messageon the tape.
1, Waitfor 10 secondsafterhearing3 beepsindicatingthe end of playback.
Then 2 beepssound. | 1,q!ryff |
2.Startto speakafterhearing2 beeps.
3.To finishrecording,hangup.
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