The unit does not work.
I cannot remove the tape from the unit.
- Plugin the AC adaptoragain.
The answeringsystem is on but no incomingmessagesare recorded.
-The greetingmessageis recordedimproperlyor not
recorded,so no one can leave a messageCheck.and recorda
- lf thecallcountershows"AO", the RECTIMEselectoris setto theGREETINGONLYposition. Changeit to the VOXor 1 MIN position.
The call counter shows "E".
-The greetingmessagecassette tapemightbe broken.RePlace it witha newone.
6quick beepssound during greeting messagerecording, and it resultsin failure.
When a messageis PlaYed back,the sound level is low,
even if the VOLUMEis high.
-Cleanthe heads. (Seepage37.)
-Replacethe incomingmessage tapewitha newone.
The unit does not answer remotely.
to answerthe call,callyourunit '15
and waitfor rings. (Seepage32.)
I press the dial button of a touch tone phone after mYunit answers,but the answering systemdoes not resPond.
-Makesurethatyou PressYour correctremotecodenumber. To checkyour remotecode number,see page 27.
-The answeringsystemmaynot respondif a remotetouchtone phoneproducestonesthatare too shortto activatethe unit,so whenyou pressany button, pressfirmly.
message.SPeakclearlYand (Continuedon
over5 secondswhilerecording.
- 3 5 -