Settingtheunitto answerthecall
To answera calland recordthe callersmessage,set the unitas follows.
EASA.FHONEPressthe ANSWERON buttonto turn on the answeringsystem.
-The ANSWERON indicatorlightis on,andthe unitis nowreadyto answerthe call.
-The callcountershows"0".
To turn off the unit
lf you do notwantthe unitto answerthe call,pressthe ANSWERON button,and confirmthe ANSWERON indicatorlightgoesout.
Whichmessageis playedbackto thecallerdependsupontheselectionof thefirstor secondgreetingmessage.
H markedonthecallcounter.
Nowthefirstgreetingmessageis selected.
_ | Nowthesecondgreetingmessageis | |
| ||
l ' l | r , [ @ | selected. |
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