C. In-glass, in the rear windshield: Several strands of wires in the rear windshield glass, usu- ally near the top of the window. There is a difference between the rear window defroster wires found in many vehicles and the FM antenna. The rear window defroster wires have uniform spac- ing and all wires run from edge to edge in the glass while the FM antenna wires have uneven spacing, breaks in the wires, and some of the wires do not run from edge to edge in the glass.
D. Whip/aerial mounted on rear part of roof: A whip or aerial antenna mounted on the rear part of the roof (often just above the back windshield glass). The whip or aerial should be 7 inches or longer.
E. Whip/aerial mounted on the rear fender or trunk: A fixed or retractable whip or aerial antenna located on the rear fender or trunk of the vehicle.
F. Whip/aerial mounted on front part of roof: A whip or aerial antenna mounted on the front part of the roof (often just above the front windshield glass). The whip or aerial should be 7 inches or longer.
G. In-glass, in the front windshield: One or more strands of wire in the front windshield, usu- ally near the top of the windshield.
H. In-glass, in a rear side window: Several strands of wires in a rear side window, especially in some SUV, mini-vans and station wagons.
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