Delete A Single Record
3a.If Delete One by One is chosen, it will bring the user to the first record in the phone book. User may get to a desired record quickly by performing a Quick Search and/or using the ▼ and ▲ keys to navigate to the desired record. (Refer to the Quick Search section to learn more about using the Quick Search feature.)
4a.After the desired record is located, press the Select key and it brings user to the delete confirmation screen.
Confirm Delete All
No: Cancel | Yes: Select |
5a.Press the Select key to proceed or Cancel/Del to return to the phone record list.
Record Deleted
If the Select key is pressed the display will be shown for 1 second. Then, the display will return to the next record on the list. If Cancel/Del key is pressed, the delete will be aborted, and the display will return to the phone book record list.
Delete All Records
3b.If Delete All Records is chosen from the menu, the Delete All confirmation message will be displayed.
Confirm Delete All
No: Cancel | Yes: Select |
4b.If user presses the Select key, all phone book records will be deleted. “All Records Deleted” will be shown on the LCD as below for 1 second then followed by “Phone Book is Empty” for another second. Finally, the display will return to the Phone Book Menu. If Cancel/Del key is pressed, the delete will be aborted, and the display will return to the two delete choices – Delete One by One, and Delete All.
All Records Deleted