1. In Playback mode, press Select.
Press again to view EQ display, Album Art, Artist Info, and the next song. Not all songs have complete information.
Rhapsody Channels
Rhapsody To Go subscribers can load Rhapsody Channels. The individual tracks will not appear as part of your Library. You can rate tracks as they play, add ones you like to your device Library and On the Go List, and even ban tracks you don’t want to hear again. You can also mark tracks to be added to your Purchase Bin the next time you connect to Rhapsody. Your ratings and purchases will transfer to your Rhapsody account when you connect your Sansa e200R Rhapsody to the computer and sign in.
Add Track to Library
1.In playback mode, press submenu .
2.Select the Add Track to Library item.
3.You will see a confirmation message “Song has been added to your Library.”
This song will now be a part of your device Library.
Rate Track
1.In playback mode, press submenu .
2.Select the Rate This Song item.