zA s hort- press of MODE wil l select the directory and return to t he Stopi nterface. If the current directory (includi ng the disk) is changed,t hen you need to reset t he current file as the firs t, ot herwise,t he fi le and playback positi on will not be changed.
zA l ong- press of PLAY will turn the player off.
zA s hort- press of PLAY will return to the St op Interface .
zA s hort- press of A- B will enter i nt ot he recording funct ion.
4.2Functions in the Playing Interf ace
4 .2.1 | The Pl ayingi nt erface is as shown in the Fi g below. |
Musi cal File Playback
zCeline Di on – My Heart Will Go On: These text will s croll horizont all y while t he songis playi ng.
But ton Functioni n the Playi ng interface