l ast s entence has fi ni shed its presence. Whereas the ti me i n
LRC us uall y has s ome del ay, the lyri cs can be s howed 1 s econd ahead.
But ton Function in the Lyri cs Show Interface
Short -Press of Mode: To return to the Playi ng
i nterface.
Short -Press of Play: To quit t he Lyrics interface and enter the Stop interface .
Long-Press of Next: Functi on as fast forward till t he
end of a s ong. | will be dis pl ayed. |
Long-Press of LAST: Funct ion as fast backward t ill
t he beginning of a song. | will be displayed. |
Short -Press of NEXT: To switcht ot he next s ong.
If t he file is not a valid musical file, then thet ot al ti me will be di splayedas “00: 00:00”.
Short -Press of LAST: To swit ch t ot he last song.
If the file is not a valid musical file, then the tot al ti me will be di splayedas “00: 00:00” .
Short -Press of “ Vol-”: Cyclet o the next s creen of t he lyrics . This coul d be overlai d by sync l yri cs .
Short -Press of “ Vol+”: Cycle to the l ast s creen of t he lyrics . This coul d be overlai d by sync l yri cs .
In this cas e,the A- B butt on is disabl ed.
4.4Auto Off
In all the sub-i nterfaces of t he St op i nterface, ift he player i dles for a time pres et ,thent he pl ayer will be aut omaticall y turned off.