Local folder: The name of the current enabled position. But ton Function in the St op Menu Interface
But ton Functions of t he St andard Menu
“Delete” is t he current enabl ed opti on.
6.1.2Fol der Selecti onI nterface
Note: The us er can select a fol der as the current folder fromthe valid di rectori es (t he di rectori es that contai nrecorded files) . Each time when you enter i nto t he Recorded Fil e Playi ng mode, you will bel ocated at the current direct ory of the current di sk. Interface Di splay
The s ame as that of Musical Direct ory Selecti on
Support the dis play of l ong name direct ories
Except t he root direct ory, only vali d directories are dis played.
But ton Function in the Di rectory Sel ect ion Interface
zLong- Press of
zLong- Press of “Vol +”: The s el ection strip swit ches to
t he last di rectory one by one. The s el ection strip scrolls i n a way of t wo lines .
zLong- Press of PLAY: To turn the player off.