Musi cal File PlaybackInt erface – St op Menu – Deleting Files – Delet ingWays
Button Functi on i n the DeletingI nterface
4.1.4Directory Sel ection Interf ace
Note: Youcan select the val id direct ory(the direct ory that contains musical fi les ) here to changet he current playback direct ory. When you enter i nto t his interface, youare l ocated at t he current directory of the current disk.
The i nterface is as shown in the Fi g bel ow.
Musi cal File PlaybackInt erface – St op Menu – Local Fol der – Directory Selecti on
zSupport the long name of di rectory
zExcept t he root direct ory, only vali d di rectories are dis played.
But ton Function in the Di rectory Sel ect ion Interface