Energy Speaker Systems e:XL-C, e:XL-15, e:XL-16, e:XL-25, e:XL-R, e:XL-26 Herjdjlcndj GJ +RCGKEFNFWBB

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e : X L S e r i e s


Ghjxnbnt bycnherwbb

Gthtl yfxfkjv =rcgkefnfwbb bpltkbz ytj,[jlbvj ghjxtcnm dct bycnherwbb gj nt[ybrt ,tpjgfcyjcnb b =rcgkefnfwbb7

Cj[hfyzqnt bycnherwbb

Bycnherwbb gj nt[ybrt ,tpjgfcyjcnb b =rcgkefnfwbb ytj,[jlbvj cj[hfyznm lkz gjcktle.ob[ cghfdjr7

J,hfofqnt dybvfybt yf ghtljcntht;tybz

Ytj,[jlbvj dsgjkyznm dct ghtljcntht;tybz9 erfpfyyst yf bpltkbb b d bycnherwbz[ gj tuj =rcgkefnfwbb7

Cktleqnt bycnherwbzv

Ytj,[jlbvj cktljdfnm dctv bycnherwbzv gj =rcgkefnfwbb b gjkmpjdfyb.7


Gthtl yfxfkjv jxbcnrb dsymnt dbkre iyehf gbnfybz bp hjptnrb =ktrnhjctnb7 Yt gjkmpeqntcm ;blrbvb bkb f=hjpjkmysvb vj.obvb chtlcndfvb7 Lkz jxbcnrb bcgjkmpeqnt vzure. nrfym7

Vjynf;yst ghbcgjcj,ktybz

Yt bcgjkmpeqnt vjynf;yst ghbcgjcj,ktybz9 yt htrjvtyljdfyyst bpujnjdbntktv bpltkbz9 nfr rfr jyb vjuen ghtlcnfdkznm jgfcyjcnm7

Djlf b dkfuf

Yt bcgjkmpeqnt =njn fggfhfn d,kbpb djls — yfghbvth9 hzljv c dfyyjq9 hfrjdbyjq9 re[jyyjq vjqrjq bkb nfpjv lkz cnbhrb ,tkmz4 d gjldfkf[ c gjdsityyjq dkf;yjcnm. bkb hzljv c gkfdfntkmysv ,fcctqyjv7


Otkb b jndthcnbz yf rjhgect ghtlyfpyfxtys lkz dtynbkzwbb9 j,tcgtxbdf.otq yflt;ye. hf,jne bpltkbz b pfobne tuj jn gthtuhtdf9 gj=njve =nb jndthcnbz yt ljk;ys pfujhf;bdfnmcz bkb pfrhsdfnmcz7 Bpltkbt yt cktletn hfpvtofnm yf rhjdfnb9 cjat9 rjdht bkb yf lheujq fyfkjubxyjq gjdth[yjcnb9 nfr rfr ghb =njv vjuen pfujhf;bdfnmcz dtynbkzwbjyyst jndthcnbz7 Bpltkbt yt cktletn ecnfyfdkbdfnm d pfvryenst j,≤tvs9 nfrbt rfr ryb;yst gjkrb bkb zobrb9 pf bcrk.xtybtv jcj,s[ ckexftd9 rjulf d yb[ j,tcgtxbdft- ncz ljcnfnjxyfz dtynbkzwbz bkb rjulf =nj hfphtityj d bycnherwbz[ bpujnjdbntkz7

Bcnjxybrb gbnfybz

+nj bpltkbt cktletn gjlcjtlbyznm r bcnjxybre gbnfybz njkmrj njuj nbgf9 rjnjhsq erfpfy yf abhvtyyjq nf,kbxrt7 Tckb Ds yt pyftnt gfhfvtnhjd =ktrnhjctnb d Dfitv ljvt9 j,hfnbntcm r Dfitve lbkthe bkb d vtcnye. =ktrnhbxtcre. rjvgfyb.7 Lkz bpltkbq9 hf,jnf.ob[ jn =ktvtynjd gbnfybz bkb lheub[ bcnjxybrjd9 cv7 Herjdjlcndj gj b[ =rcgkefnfwbb7

Pfptvktybt bkb cj,k.ltybt gjkzhyjcnb

+nj bpltkbt vj;tn ,snm j,jheljdfyj gjkzhbpjdfyyjq ctntdjq dbkrjq 5c rjynfrnysvb gkfcnbyfvb hfpkbxyjq ibhbys87 Gjkzhbpjdfyyfz ctntdfz dbkrf ghtlyfpyfxtyf lkz j,tcgtxtybz ,tpjgfcyjcnb7 Nfrfz dbkrf ,eltn dcnfdkznmcz d hjptnre =ktrnhjctnb njkmrj d jlyjv gjkj;tybb7 Tckb dbkrf yt dcnfdkztncz d hjptnre gjkyjcnm.9 gjgsnfqntcm gtht- dthyenm dbkre7 Tckb dbkrf gj-ght;ytve yt dcnfdkztncz d hjptnre9 j,hfnbntcm r rdfkbabwb- hjdfyyjve =ktrnhbre7 Yb ghb rfrb[ j,cnjzntkmcndf[ yt yfheifqnt gjkzhbpfwb. dbkrb7

Pfobnf iyehjd gbnfybz

Iyehs gbnfybz ljk;ys ghjrkflsdfnmcz nfrbv j,hfpjv9 xnj,s yf yb[ yt yfcnegfkb b yt pfltdfkb b[ rfrbvb-kb,j ghtlvtnfvb9 hfcgjkj;tyysvb hzljv c ybvb9 j,hfofqnt jcj,jt dybvfybt yf iyehs d,kbpb intgctkmys[ hfp≤tvjd b vtcnf ds[jlf bp bpltkbz7


Yt gthtuhe;fqnt hjptnrb =ktrnhjctnb b elkbybntkmyst iyehs9 nfr rfr =nj cjplftn jgfcyjcnm djpujhfybz bkb gjhf;tybz =ktrnhbxtcrbv njrjv7

Gjgflfyyt dyenhm ghtlvtnjd b ;blrjcntq

Ybrjulf yt dcnfdkzqnt ybrfrbt ghtlvtns dyenhm rjhgecf xthtp jndthcnbz9 nfr rfr jyb vjuen ghbrjcyenmcz r =ktvtynfv9 yf[jlzobvcz gjl jgfcysv yfghz;tybtv9 bkb dspdfnm rjhjnrjt pfvsrfybt9 xnj cjplftn jgfcyjcnm djpujhfybz bkb gjhf;tybz =ktrnhbxtcrbv njrjv7 Ybrjulf yt ghjkbdfqnt yf bpltkbt ybrfrb[ ;blrjcntq7


Yt gsnfqntcm dsgjkyznm nt[ybxtcrjt j,cke;bdfybt bpltkbz cfvjcnjzntkmyj9 nfr rfr jnrhsdfybt bkb elfktybt rhsitr vj;tn ghbdtcnb r gjgflfyb. gjl jgfcyjt yfghz;tybt b lheubv jgfcyjcnzv7

Bcnjxybrb ntgkf

+nj bpltkbt cktletn hfpvtofnm dlfkb jn bcnjxybrjd ntgkf9 nfrb[ rfr hflbfnjhs9 ntgkjdst pfdtcs9 gtxb bkb lheubt ghb,jhs 5drk.xfz ecbkbntkb89 rjnjhst dsltkz.n ntgkj7

Gththsds d bcgjkmpjdfybb

Tckb fggfhfn yt ,eltn bcgjkmpjdfnmcz d ntxtybt lkbntkmyjuj gthbjlf dhtvtyb9 dbkre iyehf gbnfybz cktletn dsybvfnm bp hjptnrb =ktrnhjctnb7

Gjdht;ltybz9 nht,e.obt j,cke;bdfybz

Rdfkbabwbhjdfyysq gthcjyfk ljk;ty ghjdtcnb nt[ybxtcrjt j,cke;bdfybt =njuj bpltkbz d nt[ ckexfz[9 rjulf6

(A)Gjdht;lty iyeh gbnfybz bkb dbkrf4

(B)Dyenhm fggfhfnf gjgfkb ghtlvtns bkb ;blrjcnm4

(C)Fggfhfn gjgfk gjl lj;lm4

(D)Gjzdbkbcm ghbpyfrb ytbcghfdyjcnb fggfhfnf bkb ghjbpjikb pfvtnyst bpvtytybz tuj [fhfrnthbcnbr4

(E)Bpltkbt ehjybkb bkb gjdht;lty tuj rjhgec7


Vs edthtys9 xnj jn ghjckeibdfybz =nb[ ghtrhfcys[ bpltkbq Ds gjkexbnt bcnbyyjt yfckf;ltybt7 Jcj,jt dybvfybt htrjvtyletncz eltkbnm ghfdbkmyjq ecnfyjdrt FC «ENERGY» d Dfitv ljvt7 Hfpyjj,hfpyst bccktljdfybz9 ghjdjlbdibtcz yf rf;ljv =nfgt hfphf,jnrb9 gjpdjkbkb «ENERGY» cjplfnm FC c =rcnhfjhlbyfhysvb [fhfrnthbcnbrfvb9 ehjdtym rjnjhs[ cjjndtncndetn bkb ghtdsiftn ehjdtym [fhfrnthbcnbr ujhfplj ,jktt ljhjub[ FC lheub[ abhv7 Cfvst kexibt rjvgjytyns b vfnthbfks9 jnhf,jnfyyfz nt[yjkjubz bpujnjdktybz b rjynhjkm rfxtcndf ufhfynbhe.n cj[hfytybt bcrk.xbntkmys[ [fhfrnthbcnbr FC d ntxtybt vyjub[ ktn7

DYBVFYBT6 Gj;fkeqcnf9 cj[hfyzqnt rjhj,re b egfrjdjxyst vfnthbfks bpltkbz «ENERGY» yf njn ckexfq9 tckb gjnht,etncz jnghfdkznm tuj d cthdbcysq wtynh lkz htvjynf7 Bpltkbt9 rjnjhjt ,skj jnghfdktyj rjytxysv gjkmpjdfntktv yt d jhbubyfkmyjq egfrjdrt b gjcnegbkj d cthdbcysq wtynh gjdht;ltyysv9 ,eltn jnhtvjynbhjdfyj9 djccnfyjdktyj b egfrjdfyj lkz j,hfnyjq jnghfdrb pf cxtn rjytxyjuj gjkmpjdfntkz7


Lkz gjkextybz yfbkexib[ [fhfrnthbcnbr9 gj;fkeqcnf9 cktleqnt ghbdtltyysv yb;t erfpfybzv7

Ktdfz b ghfdfz ahjynfkmyst FC

Lkz j,tcgtxtybz yfbkexituj hfpltktybz cnthtj rfyfkjd gfhe FC htrjvtyletncz ecnfyfdkbdfnm yf hfccnjzybb @–# v lheu jn lheuf b yt vtytt $) cv jn cntys7 Hfccnjzybt vt;le FC b ckeifntktv ljk;yj cjcnfdkznm jn ! lj !9% hfccnjzybq vt;le FC7 Hfpvtotybt b gjlcjtlbytybt FC gjrfpfys yf hbc7 !9 @9 #9 $9 % b ^7

FC wtynhfkmyjuj rfyfkf

FC wtynhfkmyjuj rfyfkf ljk;yf cjplfdfnm joeotybt njuj9 xnj wtynhfkmysq pderjdjq j,hfp9 drk.xf.obq ujkjcf frnthjd9 bc[jlbn ytgjchtlcndtyyj c =rhfyf7 Lkz gjkextybz yfbkexib[ htpekmnfnjd FC wtynhfkmyjuj rfyfkf ljk;yf hfpvtofnmcz ytgjchtlcndtyyj yfl bkb gjl ND =rhfyjv7 Hfpvtotybt b gjlcjtlbytybt FC gjrfpfys yf hbc7 !b ^7

Nskjdst FC9 cjplf.obt Surround =aatrns Nskjdst FC cktletn hfpvtofnm d,kbpb vtcnf ghjckeibdfybz b ytvyjuj gjpflb tuj9 yf pflytq cntyt bkb yf gjnjkrt lkz cjplfybz joeotybz j,≤tvyjcnb b ghjcnhfycndtyyjcnb pdexfybz bcnjxybrjd ajhvfnjd Dolby Pro Logic™ bkb Dolby Digital™ . Hfpvtotybt b gjlcjtlbytybt FC gjrfpfys yf hbc7 !9 ^ b &7


Uhjvrjujdjhbntkm cyf,;ty cnf,bkbpbhe.obvb gkfcnbyfvb9 rjnjhst ytj,[jlbvs lkz cnf,bkmyjcnb b ljk;ys ,snm pfrhtgktys yf yb;ytq xfcnb uhjvrjujdjhbntkz vfibyysvb ,jknfvb7 +nb gkfcnbys ljk;ys ,snm pfrhtgktys lkz njuj9 xnj,s ghtljndhfnbnm hbcr gjdht;ltybz j,jheljdfybz b cvthntkmyst ntktcyst gjdht;ltybz k.lzv7

F7 Cjghjdj;lf.obt xfcnb6

f8 $ vfibyys[ ,jknf vfhrb Abkkbgc ,8 @ cnf,bkbpbhe.obt gkfcnbys


Image 18
Contents N e r s m a n u a l N e r s m a n u a l Positioning & Connecting Your Energy eXL-SERIES SpeakersPositioning & Connecting Your Energy eXL-28P Speakers Important Instructions Please Read CarefullyWarranty for United States and Canada see back cover Connecting the Speaker To AN AmplifierWarranty Outside of the United States and Canada Care of FinishesD i e n u n g s a n l e i t u n g SicherheitsanweisungenWillkommen in DER Welt DER ENERGY-LAUTSPRECHER Pflege DER Boxen Aufstellen UND Anschliessen DER ENERGY-LAUTSPRECHER eXL-28PANSCHLUß DER Lautsprecher AN DEN Verstärker Garantie Ausserhalb USA UND KanadaN u a l e d e l l ’ u t e n t e Importante Istruzioni PER UN Funzionamento SicuroBenvenuti NEL Mondo Degli Altoparlanti Energy Altoparlanti amplificati dei bassi Energy Come Aver Cura Della FinituraGaranzia AL DI Fuori Degli Stati Uniti E DEL Canada Caratteristiche dell’amplificatoreN u a l d e l u s u a r i o Directrices DE Seguridad ImportantesBienvenido AL Mundo DE LOS Altavoces Energy Garantía Fuera DE Estados Unidos Y Canadá Conexión DEL Altavoz AL AmplificadorMantenimiento DEL Acabado Bafles con alimentación EnergyU g s a n v i s n i n g Vigtige SikerhedsreglerVelkommen TIL Energy Højtalernes Verden Energy bas-højttaler med indbygget forstærker Vedligeholdelse AF OverfladerGaranti Uden for United States OG Canada Krav til forstærkerenN u e l d e l ’ u t i l i s a t e u r Importantes Consignes DE SécuritéRaccordement ordinaire Enceintes d’extrêmes-graves Energy avec amplificateurAmplification Raccordement bifilaireB r u i k e r s h a n d l e i d i n g Belangrijke Veiligheids InstructiesWelkom in DE Wereld VAN Energy Luidsprekers Garantie Buiten DE VS EN Canada Tilslutning AF Højttaleren TIL EN ForstærkerOnderhoud VAN DE Laklaag Energy ultralagetoonluidsprekers subwoofersBEM-VINDO AO Mundo DOS ALTO- Falantes Energy N u a l d o u t i l i z a d o rInstruções DE Segurança Importantes Colocação E Conexão DOS ALTO-FALANTES Energy DA Série eXLPeças fornecidas Garantia Fora DOS Estados Unidos E do CanadáExigências para o amplificador Instruções de montagem Ver a FiguraHerjdjlcndj GJ +RCGKEFNFWBB Cjtlbytybt uhjvrjujdjhbntkz c ecbkbntktv Diagram L S e r i e sForward Specifications Warrantygarantie

e:XL-16, e:XL-C, e:XL-15, e:XL-28P, e:XL-R specifications

Energy Speaker Systems has established a reputation for delivering high-quality audio solutions that cater to both audiophiles and casual listeners. Their lineup includes the e:XL-26, e:XL-25, e:XL-R, e:XL-28P, and e:XL-15, each boasting unique features and technologies that enhance performance and user experience.

The e:XL-26 is a compact bookshelf speaker that excels in sound clarity and detail. It utilizes a 6.5-inch polypropylene woofer that provides a robust bass response, paired with a 1-inch aluminum dome tweeter for crisp high frequencies. The innovative design incorporates a carefully tuned cabinet that minimizes distortion, allowing for a rich listening experience whether for music or home theater applications.

Next up, the e:XL-25 stands out as an exceptional entry-level speaker. It is designed with a 5.5-inch woofer and a 1-inch silk dome tweeter, delivering a balanced sound profile. The inclusion of a rear-firing bass port enhances low-frequency performance, allowing the e:XL-25 to deliver surprisingly deep bass tones given its size. This model is perfect for small spaces where sound quality matters most.

The e:XL-R is a high-performance floor-standing speaker tailored for those seeking immersive sound experiences. Its dual 6.5-inch woofers work harmoniously with a 1-inch tweeter to create a full-range sonic palette. The e:XL-R employs an advanced crossover design that ensures seamless integration between drivers, providing precise imaging and a wide soundstage that envelops listeners in their favorite audio content.

Another standout is the e:XL-28P, an active speaker that incorporates built-in amplification, making it incredibly versatile for various applications. Equipped with an integrated 300-watt amplifier, this powered speaker eliminates the need for external amplifiers or receivers. Its wireless Bluetooth capability enables easy streaming from devices, making it suitable for modern electronic lifestyles while maintaining excellent audio performance.

Finally, the e:XL-15 is a portable speaker that combines convenience with powerful sound. Featuring a rugged design, this model is equipped with a 15-inch woofer that produces deep, impactful bass, and a piezo tweeter for bright, clear highs. Its lightweight construction and built-in handle make it easy to transport for outdoor gatherings or events.

In summary, the Energy Speaker Systems e:XL series offers a diverse array of speakers suitable for a variety of audio needs, each characterized by innovative technology, premium materials, and performance-driven design. Whether seeking a compact bookshelf solution or a powerful floor-standing option, there is an Energy Speaker designed to enhance every auditory experience.