Energy Speaker Systems e:XL-28P, e:XL-15, e:XL-16, e:XL-25 Cjtlbytybt uhjvrjujdjhbntkz c ecbkbntktv

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e : X L S e r i e s

<7 Bycnherwbb lkz ecnfyjdrb 5cv7 lbfuhfvve @86

f8 Hfcgjkj;bnt FRx-Yfby uhjvrjujdjhbntkb nfr9 xnj,s cyf,;tyyst htpm,jq dnekrb yf yb;ytq xfcnb ,skb dblbvs7 ,8 Crhtgbnt ,jknfvb cnf,bkbpbhe.obt gkfcnbys c dnekrfvb b e,tlbntcm d njv9 xnj jyb yflt;yj pfdbyxtys7

Vjltkm e:XL28P j,kflftn dcnhjtyysv !)) dfnnysv ecbkbdf.obv cf,deathjv9 rjnjhsq nht,etn cjtlbytybz bvt.otujcz iyehf c uhjvrjujdjhbntktv b intgctkmyjq hjptnrjq gthtvtyyjuj njrf7 Pfntv vjltkm e:XL28P vj;tn ,snm gjlcjtlbytyf njxyj rfr ,tpnjrjdfz vjltkm9 c bcgjkmpjdfybtv ghjdjlf eckjdyjuj uhjvrjujdjhbntkz9 lde[ ghjdjljd9 bkb cjxtnfybz lde[ ecbkbntktq3lde[ ghjdjljd7

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Ybprjxfcnjnyjt ehfdybdfybt gjpdjkztn rjynhjkbhjdfnm xhtpdsxfqyj ybprbt xfcnjns lkz yfbkexitq yfcnhjqrb d cjjndtncndbb c frrecnbxtcrbvb [fhfrnthbcnbrfvb rjvyfns7 Yfxybnt c gjpbwbb !@ xfcjd b dhfofqnt ghjnbd xfcjdjq cnhtkrb9 tckb ,fc ckbirjv ytzcysq9 dhfofqnt gj xfcjdjq cnhtkrt lkz gjkextybz kexituj =aatrnf ,fcf7

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Cjtlbytybt uhjvrjujdjhbntkz c ecbkbntktv

J,otghbyznjt cjtlbytybt6 Cjtlbybnt gjkj;bntkmysq rjytw ghjdjlrb nthvbyfkf 5rhfcysq ≠8 yf ecbkbntkt c gjkj;bntkmysv rjywjv ghjdjlrb nthvbyfkf 5rhfcysq ≠8 yf uhjvrjujdjhbntkt7 Cjtlbybnt jnhbwfntkmysq rjytw ghjdjlrb nthvbyfkf 5x∑hysq –8 yf ecbkbntkt c jnhbwfntkmysv rjywjv ghjdjlrb nthvbyfkf 5x∑hysq –8

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Lde[-ghjdjljxyst cjtlbytybz Ldjqyfz ghjdjlrf uhjvrjujdjhbntktq vj;tn ekexibnm rfxtcndj vepsrfkmyjuj pdexfybz lj ehjdyz ldjqyjuj ecbktybz ghb chfdybntkmyj yt,jkmib[ hfc[jlf[7 Cnfylfhnyjt cjtlbytybt gjpdjkztn cjplfnm j,oe. ghjdjlre lkz ybprjuj9 chtlytuj b dscjrjuj xfcnjnyjuj hfpltktybz9 rjnjhfz yt zdkztncz bltfkmyjq7 Ldjqyfz ghjdjlrf ecnhfyztn j,ott gjkyjt cjghjnbdktybt9 d htpekmnfnt xtuj ecnhfyztncz gtht[jl jn ybprjq r dscjrjq xfcnjnt7 +njn dbl cjtlbytybz djpvj;ty yf uhjvrjujdjhbntkz[ Energy e:XL-25,e:XL-26b e:XL-28P.Ytrjnjhst rfvgfybb ghjlf.n ldjqyst rf,tkb9 yj Ds vj;tnt nfr;t bcgjkmpjdfnm lkz =nb[ wtktq jlby rf,tkm lkz ybprb[ xfcnjn9 f lheujq rf,tkm lkz dscjrb[ xfcnjn7 Elfkbnt rhtg∑;yst ktyns7 Uhjvrjujdjhbntkb dscjrjq xfcnjns yf[jlzncz yfdth[e9 uhjvrjujdjhbntkb ybprjq xfcnjns yf[jlzncz dybpe7 Cdthybnt dvtcnt ldf gjkj;bntkmys[ gbnf.ob[ rf,tkz nfrbv j,hfpjv9 xnj,s b[ vj;yj ,skj ,s ddtcnb d gjkj;bntkmysq nthvbyfk yf ecbkbntkt7 Dsgjkybnt nfre. ;t ghjwtlehe lkz ytufnbdys[ gbnf.ob[ rf,tktq7 Pfntv cjtlbybnt j,f gjkj;bntkmys[ gbnf.ob[ rf,tkz r gjkj;bntkmysv nthvbyfkfv cpflb uhjvrjujdjhbntkz9 b ytufnbdyst gbnf.obt rf,tkb r ytufnbdysv nthvbyfkfv 5cv7 hbc7 #87

Rjv,byfwbz cjtlbytybz ldjqyjuj ecbkbntkz b ldjqyjq ghjdjlrb

Lkz =njuj vtnjlf bcgjkmpe.ncz jnltkmyst ecbkbntkb lkz ktdjuj b ghfdjuj uhjvrjujdjhbntktq7 E,tlbntcm d njv9 xnj rhtg∑;yst ktyns jncjtlbytys7 Djpmvbnt jnhbwfntkmyst gbnf.obt rf,tkb c ktdjuj b ghfdjuj rfyfkjd ktdjuj ecbkbntkz9 b ghbcjtlbybnt jlby r dth[ytve jnhbwfntkmyjve gbnf.otve rf,tk. uhjvrjujdjhbntkz dscjrjq xfcnjns9 b lheujq r yb;ytve jnhbwfntkmyjve gbnf.otve rf,tk. lkz uhjvrjujdjhbntkz ybprjq xfcnjns7 Gjdnjhbnt =ne ghjwtlehe lkz gjkj;bntkmys[ rf,tktq uhjvrjujdjhbntktq dscjrjq xfcnjns7 Cktleqnt nfrjve ;t vtnjle lkz cjtlbytybz ghfdjuj ecbkbntkz r ghfdjve uhjvrjujdjhbntk. 5cv7 hbc7 $87

Frnbdyst cf,deaths «ENERGY» Ybprjxfcnjnyjt bpkextybt zdkztncz ghfrnbxtcrb ytyfghfdktyysv9 gj=njve cf,death vj;tn hfpvtofnmcz d k.,jv vtcnt rjvyfns ghjckeibdfybz9 =nj yt dkbztn yf cnthtjj,hfp9 cjplfdftvsq jcyjdysvb FC7 Jlyfrj ecnfyjdrf ckbirjv ,kbprj r eukfv rjvyfns vj;tn ghbdtcnb r djpybryjdtyb. ybprjxfcnjnyjuj 1uekf27 Hfpvtotybt cf,deathf yf ljcnfnjxyjv elfktybb jn eukjd j,sxyj ghbdjlbn r ,jktt ltnfkmyjve b njxyjve djcghjbpdtltyb.7 D ,jkmib[ gjvtotybz[ vjuen bcgjkmpjdfnmcz ldf bkb ,jktt cf,deathjd7 Cv7 bycnherwbb gj gjlcjtlbytyb. d Herjdjlcndt gj =rcgkefnfwbb cf,deathf7

Nht,jdfybz r ecbkbntkzv

FC «ENERGY» ghtlyfpyfxtys lkz ghjckeibdfybz c dscjrbvb ehjdyzvb uhjvrjcnb ghb evthtyyjq vjoyjcnb9 d nj ;t dhtvz jyb cgjcj,ys dslth;bdfnm ds[jlye. vjoyjcnm ,jkmib[ ecbkbntktq7 <jkmibycndj FC «ENERGY» bvttn yjvbyfkmyjt gjkyjt cjghjnbdktybt * Jv b [jhjij hf,jnftn d cjxtnfybb c cfvsvb hfpyjj,hfpysvb ecbkbntkzvb b htcbdthfvb7

GHBVTXFYBT6 Ghb bcgjkmpjdfybb ,jktt jlyjq gfhs FC c jlybv ecbkbntktv bkb htcbdthjv cktletn ,snm edthtyysv d njv9 xnj ecbkbntkm ljgecrftn hf,jne yf yfuhepre $ Jv7


Lkz elfktybz gskb bkb gznty c dytiytq gjdth[yjcnb FC

ttcktletn ghjnbhfnm vzurjq nrfym.7 Yt bcgjkmpeqnt f,hfpbdys[ xbcnzob[ chtlcnd7 Lkz elfktybz gskb c nrfyb9 yfnzyenjq yf ltrjhfnbdye. htitnre9 gjkmpeqntcm gsktcjcjv c yfcflrjq9 bvt.otq otnre9 bkb ckturf dkf;yjq ue,rjq7


Pf ghtltkfvb nthhbnjhbb Ctdthyjq Fvthbrb ufhfynbqyst j,zpfntkmcndf vjuen gjldthufnmcz bpvtytybzv c wtkm. j,tcgtxtybz cjjndtncndbz nht,jdfybzv vtcnys[ pfrjyjd7 Gjlhj,yst cdtltybz jnyjcbntkmyj JUHFYBXTYYJQ UFHFYNBB9 ltqcnde.otq d Dfitq cnhfyt9 vjuen ,snm gjkextys e vtcnys[ lbkthjd «ENERGY».

ENERGY÷9 ≥ENERGY÷ kjuj9 ≥Lkz ;bdjuj ghtlcnfdktybz Dfitq ;bpyb÷9 ≥BC-cthbb÷ b ≥FGB frctccefhs zdkz.ncz af,hbxysvb vfhrfvb Vt;leyfhjlyjq Rjhgjhfwbb Felbj Ghjlernjd7 ≥Ljk,b÷9 ≥Ljk,b Ghj-Kjl;br÷ b ≥Ljk,b Wbahjdjt Jrhe;tybt÷ zdkz.ncz af,hbxysvb vfhrfvb Ljk,b Kf,jhfnjhbb9 WNC zdkztncz af,hbxyjq vfhrjq Wbahjds[ Ntfnhfkmys[ Cbcntv9 Byrjhgjhfwbtq7


Image 19
Contents N e r s m a n u a l Important Instructions Please Read Carefully Positioning & Connecting Your Energy eXL-SERIES SpeakersPositioning & Connecting Your Energy eXL-28P Speakers N e r s m a n u a lCare of Finishes Connecting the Speaker To AN AmplifierWarranty Outside of the United States and Canada Warranty for United States and Canada see back coverSicherheitsanweisungen D i e n u n g s a n l e i t u n gWillkommen in DER Welt DER ENERGY-LAUTSPRECHER Garantie Ausserhalb USA UND Kanada Aufstellen UND Anschliessen DER ENERGY-LAUTSPRECHER eXL-28PANSCHLUß DER Lautsprecher AN DEN Verstärker Pflege DER BoxenImportante Istruzioni PER UN Funzionamento Sicuro N u a l e d e l l ’ u t e n t eBenvenuti NEL Mondo Degli Altoparlanti Energy Caratteristiche dell’amplificatore Come Aver Cura Della FinituraGaranzia AL DI Fuori Degli Stati Uniti E DEL Canada Altoparlanti amplificati dei bassi EnergyDirectrices DE Seguridad Importantes N u a l d e l u s u a r i oBienvenido AL Mundo DE LOS Altavoces Energy Bafles con alimentación Energy Conexión DEL Altavoz AL AmplificadorMantenimiento DEL Acabado Garantía Fuera DE Estados Unidos Y CanadáVigtige Sikerhedsregler U g s a n v i s n i n gVelkommen TIL Energy Højtalernes Verden Krav til forstærkeren Vedligeholdelse AF OverfladerGaranti Uden for United States OG Canada Energy bas-højttaler med indbygget forstærkerImportantes Consignes DE Sécurité N u e l d e l ’ u t i l i s a t e u rRaccordement bifilaire Enceintes d’extrêmes-graves Energy avec amplificateurAmplification Raccordement ordinaireBelangrijke Veiligheids Instructies B r u i k e r s h a n d l e i d i n gWelkom in DE Wereld VAN Energy Luidsprekers Energy ultralagetoonluidsprekers subwoofers Tilslutning AF Højttaleren TIL EN ForstærkerOnderhoud VAN DE Laklaag Garantie Buiten DE VS EN CanadaColocação E Conexão DOS ALTO-FALANTES Energy DA Série eXL N u a l d o u t i l i z a d o rInstruções DE Segurança Importantes BEM-VINDO AO Mundo DOS ALTO- Falantes EnergyInstruções de montagem Ver a Figura Garantia Fora DOS Estados Unidos E do CanadáExigências para o amplificador Peças fornecidasHerjdjlcndj GJ +RCGKEFNFWBB Cjtlbytybt uhjvrjujdjhbntkz c ecbkbntktv L S e r i e s DiagramForward Specifications Warrantygarantie

e:XL-16, e:XL-C, e:XL-15, e:XL-28P, e:XL-R specifications

Energy Speaker Systems has established a reputation for delivering high-quality audio solutions that cater to both audiophiles and casual listeners. Their lineup includes the e:XL-26, e:XL-25, e:XL-R, e:XL-28P, and e:XL-15, each boasting unique features and technologies that enhance performance and user experience.

The e:XL-26 is a compact bookshelf speaker that excels in sound clarity and detail. It utilizes a 6.5-inch polypropylene woofer that provides a robust bass response, paired with a 1-inch aluminum dome tweeter for crisp high frequencies. The innovative design incorporates a carefully tuned cabinet that minimizes distortion, allowing for a rich listening experience whether for music or home theater applications.

Next up, the e:XL-25 stands out as an exceptional entry-level speaker. It is designed with a 5.5-inch woofer and a 1-inch silk dome tweeter, delivering a balanced sound profile. The inclusion of a rear-firing bass port enhances low-frequency performance, allowing the e:XL-25 to deliver surprisingly deep bass tones given its size. This model is perfect for small spaces where sound quality matters most.

The e:XL-R is a high-performance floor-standing speaker tailored for those seeking immersive sound experiences. Its dual 6.5-inch woofers work harmoniously with a 1-inch tweeter to create a full-range sonic palette. The e:XL-R employs an advanced crossover design that ensures seamless integration between drivers, providing precise imaging and a wide soundstage that envelops listeners in their favorite audio content.

Another standout is the e:XL-28P, an active speaker that incorporates built-in amplification, making it incredibly versatile for various applications. Equipped with an integrated 300-watt amplifier, this powered speaker eliminates the need for external amplifiers or receivers. Its wireless Bluetooth capability enables easy streaming from devices, making it suitable for modern electronic lifestyles while maintaining excellent audio performance.

Finally, the e:XL-15 is a portable speaker that combines convenience with powerful sound. Featuring a rugged design, this model is equipped with a 15-inch woofer that produces deep, impactful bass, and a piezo tweeter for bright, clear highs. Its lightweight construction and built-in handle make it easy to transport for outdoor gatherings or events.

In summary, the Energy Speaker Systems e:XL series offers a diverse array of speakers suitable for a variety of audio needs, each characterized by innovative technology, premium materials, and performance-driven design. Whether seeking a compact bookshelf solution or a powerful floor-standing option, there is an Energy Speaker designed to enhance every auditory experience.