TfliS “AM ACCENT” switch allows:
s Maximum selectivity of adjacent stations in the NORMAL position.
. Improved audio fidelity of strong local stations when in the WIDE positon,
NOTE: In the WIDE position, you may encounter beat and whistle noises due to
FM Band radio stations broadcast on assigned frequencies between 88 and 108 Megahertz (MHz), FM broadcasts are higher frequencies and offer less static and interference from outside sources as well as greater audio fidelity than AM broadcasts. Range, however, is not as great as AM because very little, if any,
AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
Automatic Frequency Conrol (AFC) works to assure
Under certain conditions, you may not wish to use the AFC. When the desired station frequency is adjacent to a stronger station, the Automatic Frequency Con- trol may tune the set to the stronger station. If this occurs, tune in the desired station with the AFC switch in OFF position. Should switching to ON cause the set to detune to the stronger adjacent station, simply leave the AFC SELECT switch in OFF position.
The BASS control enable you to increase or decrease the relative volume of the
The TREBLE control enables you to increase or decrease the relative volume of the high pitched (Treble) sounds from the normal (or “flat”) control setting.
NOTE: These Tone Controls have a large
til [t IS almost unrecognizable. The lone Gontrols were deslgneo With mesa extreme range variations to enable you to adjust for your particular listen- ing preference and the program being received.
The convenient Power
AM — The
FM — The WHIP ANTENNA maybe positioned anywhere within an 180 degree arc and is capable of rotating 380 degrees. To use, lift and extend the WHIP to its fullest length. For distant stations, it may be necessary to adjust the WHIP antenna’s position for beat reception.
NOTE: To avoid damaging the WHIR always lower its sections one at a time star- ting with the largest diameter. Never lower the WHIP from the tip end since buckling or bending is possible. Be sure the slot provided in the base of the swivel antenna is positioned properly before lowering the WHIP into its holder clip.
The whip antenna has been designed so that it is easily replaced in the event it is damaged. The antenna’s mounting post goes through a hole in the cabinet top and is held in place by a single screw through the catinef back. Simply remove the screw and slide the post out of the cabinet top. To install the replacement, reverse the procedure.
To order a replacement whip antenna (No.