Goodman Mfg GSZ/VSZ 13 SEER service manual Performance Data, Performance Test

Page 41



All data based upon listed indoor dry bulb temperature. .00 inches external static pressure on coil of outdoor section. Indoor air cubic feet per minute (CFM) as listed in the Performance Data Sheets:

If conditions vary from this, results will change as follows:

1.As indoor dry bulb temperatures increase, a slight increase will occur in indoor air temperature drop (Delta T). Low and high side pressures and power will not change.

2.As indoor CFM decreases, a slight increase will occur in indoor temperature drop (Delta T). A slight decrease will occur in low and high side pressures and power.

A properly operating unit should be within plus or minus 2 degrees of the subcooling value shown in the Heat Pump Specifications.

A properly operating unit should be within plus or minus 3 degrees of the typical (Delta T) value shown.

A properly operating unit should be within plus or minus 7 PSIG of the HI PR shown.

A properly operating unit should be within plus or minus 3 PSIG of the LO PR shown.

A properly operating unit should be within plus or minus 3 Amps of the typical value shown.

NOTE: Pressures are measured at the liquid and suction service valve ports.


Image 41
Contents Technical Manual Product Identification 024Product Identification AA AA Product DesignModel Dimensions W x D x H Product DimensionsVSZ13018-601A Heat Pump SpecificationsSZ130241B SZ130361B VSZ13024,36BGSZ130363A GSZ130483A GSZ130484A GSZ130603A GSZ130604A GSZ13036-603,4AVSZ130181A Cooling Performance Data147 17.4375 VSZ130241A 23.0 Airflow378 141800 VSZ130241B700 357140 381VSZ130301A 10.3 28.4383 145VSZ130361A 12.6 35.0400 146VSZ130361B 11.5 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 105 115397 14532.92 GZ130363AModel GSZ130363A* / AR*F364216 1425 13.3 VSZ130421A 363 40.513.9 VSZ130481A 15.8 46.0390 150373 GSZ130483AModel GSZ130483A* / AR*F486016 398 380 GSZ130484AModel GSZ130484A* / AR*F486016 405 VSZ130601A Expanded Perform Ance Data 10.8 GSZ130603AModel GSZ130603A* /AR*F486016 138 57.011.2 Model GSZ130604A* /AR*F486016 GSZ130604A227 244 258 269 255 274 290 302 312 Outdoor Am bient Tem perature Split System Heating PerformanceOdel G/VSZ130301A AR*F30301 34.0 Outdoor Ambient TemperatureOutdoor Am bie nt Te m pe rature Expanded Performance Data65.0 60.7 38656.2 33.4 31.2Performance Test Performance DataVSZ13018-601A/B WiringWiring is subject to change, always refer to Wiring Diagrams