Goodman Mfg GSZ/VSZ 13 SEER service manual VSZ13024,36B, SZ130241B SZ130361B

Page 7









N om inal C apac ities



C ooling C apac ity , B TUH



H eating C apac ity , B TU H






C om pres s or



R .L . A m ps

12. 8

16 .7

L .R . A m ps

58. 3

79 .0




Low P res s ure S witc h



O pen

22 P S IG

22 P S IG

C los e

50 P S IG

50 P S IG




H igh P res s ure S w itc h



O pen

610 P S IG

610 P S IG

C los e

420 P S IG

420 P S IG




C ondens er F an M otor



H ors epow er



F . L. A m ps

1 .10

1. 50




Liquid Line, Inc hes O .D . *



S uc tion Line, Inc hes O . D .*



R efrigerant C harge

113 .0

131 .0




P ower S upply

208/230 -60-1

208/230 -60 -1

M inim um C irc uit A m pac ity (1 )

17. 1

22 .3

M ax im um O verc urrent D evic e (2 )



E lec tric al Conduit S iz e



P ow er S upply (Inc hes )

1/2 or 3/4

1/2 or 3/4

A pprox im ate S hipping W eight






(1)Wire size should be determined in accordance with National Electrical Codes; extensive wire runs will require larger wire sizes.

(2)Maximum Overcurrent Protection Device: MUST use Time Delay Fuse or HACR type Circuit Breaker of the same size as noted.

(3)Tested and rated in accordance with AHRI Standard 210/240


Always check the S & R plate for electrical data on the unit being installed.

Installer will need to supply 7/8" to 1-1/8" adapters for suction line connections (4 & 5 ton units).

Installer will need to supply 3/4" to 7/8" adapters for suction line connections (3 ton unit).

Unit is charged with refrigerant for 15' of 3/8" liquid line. System charge must be adjusted per Installation Instructions Final Charge Procedure.

Installation of these units requires the specified TXV Kit to be installed on the indoor coil. THE SPECIFIED TXV IS DETERMINED BY THE OUTDOOR UNIT, NOT THE INDOOR COIL.

NOTE: This data is provided as a guide, it is important to electrically connect the unit and properly size fuses/circuit breakers and wires in accordance with all national and/or local electrical codes. Use copper wire only.

Unit specifications are subject to change without notice. ALWAYS refer to the unit's serial plate for the most up-to-date general and electrical information.


Image 7
Contents Technical Manual Product Identification 024Product Identification AA AA Product DesignModel Dimensions W x D x H Product DimensionsVSZ13018-601A Heat Pump SpecificationsSZ130241B SZ130361B VSZ13024,36BGSZ130363A GSZ130483A GSZ130484A GSZ130603A GSZ130604A GSZ13036-603,4AVSZ130181A Cooling Performance Data375 17.4147 VSZ130241A 141 Airflow23.0 378357 VSZ130241B800 700140 381VSZ130301A 145 28.410.3 383VSZ130361A 146 35.012.6 400VSZ130361B 145 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 105 11511.5 397Model GSZ130363A* / AR*F364216 GZ130363A32.92 1425 13.3 VSZ130421A 13.9 40.5363 VSZ130481A 150 46.015.8 390Model GSZ130483A* / AR*F486016 GSZ130483A373 398 Model GSZ130484A* / AR*F486016 GSZ130484A380 405 VSZ130601A Expanded Perform Ance Data Model GSZ130603A* /AR*F486016 GSZ130603A10.8 11.2 57.0138 Model GSZ130604A* /AR*F486016 GSZ130604A227 244 258 269 255 274 290 302 312 Odel G/VSZ130301A AR*F30301 Split System Heating PerformanceOutdoor Am bient Tem perature 34.0 Outdoor Ambient TemperatureOutdoor Am bie nt Te m pe rature Expanded Performance Data33.4 31.2 38665.0 60.7 56.2Performance Test Performance DataVSZ13018-601A/B WiringWiring is subject to change, always refer to Wiring Diagrams