| Use as Multimedia Player | |
| PREV | Playback | Play a previous file before a current playback file. If | |
| I | Previous File | you used [ENTER] for playback, you can not use this | |
| function. This is available only when playing all files | |
| as using [PLAY/PAUSE] button or 'ALLPLAY' icon. | |
| NEXT | Playback | Play a next file after a current playback file. If you | |
| I | Next File | used [ENTER] for playback, you can not use this | |
| function. This is available only when playing all files | |
| as using [PLAY/PAUSE] button or 'ALLPLAY' icon. | |
| FF | Go to 10 Sec. in | Go to 10 sec. forward and play when a file is being | |
| Forward | played. | |
| REW | Go to 10 Sec. in | Go to 10 sec. backward and play when a file is being | |
| Backward | played. | |
| |
| ENTER | Playback a File | Play a file. After finishing playback, return to file | |
| selections screen. | |
| |
| PLAY / PAUSE | Playback | After the file that you select, play next l files auto- | |
| II | Next All Files | matically. Function is the same as [PLAY/PAUSE] but- | |
| ton. | |
| |
| PLAY / PAUSE | Pause | Pause playback, when pressing this button during file | |
| II |
| playback. To resume playback, press this button again. | |
| |
| VOLUME + | Volume Up | Volume up. | |
| |
| VOLUME - | Volume Down | Volume down. | |
| |
| MUTE | Sound Off | Mute the sound. In order to hear sound, press this | |
| button again. | |
| |
| SUBTITLE | Hide MP3 Sub- | You can show the MP3 subtitle (when the MP3 file | |
| title | supports this feature). In that case, this button will | |
| hide the subtitle. | |
| MP3 subtitle supported file must be made by iriver | |
| caption editior program. It does not support LDB | |
| program. | |