SlingPlayer options
Required bandwidth: Here you will see the required network bandwidth to properly stream the video based on the manual settings. If the network conditions do not provide sufficient bandwidth, you will see the video pause from time to time as the profile you selected may be too aggressive. If you cannot find an adequate manual setting, you may want to switch back to the SlingStream settings.
Original Settings: If you have made any changes to the settings on this screen, selecting this button returns those settings to their defaults.
Connection Settings
Some corporations use firewalls to prevent access to certain outside resources on the Internet. If you have trouble using your Slingbox from the office, this might be the reason. If you’re having trouble connecting to your Slingbox, try to connect to a Web site from which video is playable. If you can’t stream from this site, you may not be able to stream your
Additionally, some office locations use proxy servers for security between office workstations and the Internet. If you use a proxy server to connect to the Internet, you may need to enter this information if you are having trouble view- ing your Slingbox.
To enter proxy server information:
1.Select SlingPlayer Options from the Player menu.
2.Select the Connection tab.
3.Click the check box and then enter the appropriate proxy server informa- tion. This information is specific to your office network.
4.Click OK.
Slingbox User Guide | 65 |