Getting Started
Set basic preferences.
Getting Started
Set basic preferences. (continued) | EN |
Detailed information, tutorials, and troubleshooting are available through the Help menu and the RealJukebox Internet site (accessed from the Help and Sites menus).
Note: We recommend you familiarize yourself with the RealJukebox New User’s Guide and com- plete the Online Tutorial before using and recording files.
We also recommend that you log onto the Internet while using RealJukebox to take advantage of all the features.
We feel the Recording Method and a few of the Audio Quality Preferences need to be discussed before you start using the RealJukebox software.
2. Check Analog if your
E.With the Preferences menu displayed, click Audio Quality to display the Audio Quality menu.
kbps stereo. 320 kbps has the best quality sound, but uses the most disk space. We recommend using 128 kbps.
3. Wave Audio is unencoded music |
that is not compressed. This format |
has the best quality sound but |
requires the largest file size, as much |
as 650MB per CD. Wave Audio files |
are much larger than RealAudio and |
MP3 Audio files. |
A. Start the RealJukebox software.
B.Display the Preferences menu by choos- ing Preferences under the Tools menu.
C.Click Recording to display the Recording menu.
D. Select a recording method.
1.Check Digital and Use Error Correction for the best results. Error checking and correction will be per- formed while you are recording.
Note: Choosing Use Error Correction will slow down your recording speed.
F.Select a recording Format and Quality Level.
1.RealAudio is RealNetworks’ audio format. This format saves your music as RealAudio (.rmx) secure or RealAudio unsecured (.rmj) files. Compression levels available are (96, 64, and 44 Stereo, and 32 Kbps Mono). 96kbps Stereo has the best quality sound, but uses the most disk space.
2.MP3 Audio is MPEG layer 3 Audio available at multiple compres- sion levels from 32 kbps mono to 320
G. Select a Secure Files setting |
1. Secure Files On |
Files recorded with security on can only be played on the PC on which they were recorded.
Note: If you record with the security fea- ture on, make sure you perform a security key back up (Backup Security Key feature located under Options menu).
2.Secure Files Off
Most people choose to turn the Secure Files feature off.
Notes: In the future, some music may require the security feature turned on to record to your
Turn this feature off if you own two com- puters and exchange files between them.
3.Click OK.