The Tandem MIG 800 amp torch has been designed for use with 0.035" through 0.062" diameter Lincoln Electric solid and metal cored steel GMAW wire weld- ing electrodes. Refer to the appropriate Lincoln process and electrode selection guidelines for further information on available electrodes and packaging.
Observe all safety guidelines, read equipment operat- ing manuals thoroughly before operating equipment.
1.Check to make sure the welding power sources are turned on and set to the correct parameters and welding modes.
2.Verify that the shielding gas supply is on and set for the correct flow rate.
3.Set the preflow and the post flow timers for both wire feeders. Make sure the post flow is set long enough to shield electrode extension as it cools after burn back cycle.
4.Check to see that the water cooler is operating properly. Check cooling fluid level and integrity of cooling hoses.
5.Check all current carrying connections. All connec- tions should be tight: electrode cables, work cables, torch to feeder connections, diffusers and contact tips.
6.If applicable, make sure the air blast is connected and operational.
7.Check to see that the return earth ground is con- nected and all part clamping is activated.
8.Check torch alignment and ensure that torch or part travel path is free from obstruction.
Wire feeding problems can be avoided by observing the following procedures:
1.Do not use a torch with cables that are longer than necessary.
2.Do not kink or pull the torch cables around sharp corners.
3.Keep torches cables as straight as possible or pro- vide a gradual bend in the cables when welding or loading new wire.
4.Protect cables from rubbing against sharp surfaces during operation.
5.Use only clean, rust free electrodes. Protect elec- trode packaging from collecting airborne contami- nates.
6.Replace contact tips and liners at regular intervals.
Adjust flow regulators for prescribed gas flow. Inspect hoses regularly for wear or damage. Perform a soapy water test on hoses if a leak is suspected. Avoid kink- ing or collapsing hoses with cable clamps. Insure that diffusers and hose connections are properly seated and tight. Always use an separate flow regulator for each of the two gas lines.
The welding torch is equipped with a separate gas hose for the purpose of providing a high pressure air blast through the nozzle area to clear loose spatter that may have accumulated between the two dif- fusers.
The high pressure air is routed through the torch retainer and exits into the nozzle through a series of holes spaced in the retainer insulator.
Air should be dry and free of oil or
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