The reservoir volume should be checked daily before using the cooler. Remove the reservoir fill cap and check the coolant level. The reservoir is full when the coolant level is just below the input elbow of the reser- voir (approximate. 2 Gal / 7.6 ltrs). Keep the reservoir full, especially after disconnecting the water lines or changing the accessory being cooled.
This procedure is intended to provide a means of reducing the objectionable amount of fungal and bac- terial contamination that has occurred in
•This additive should be used with fresh coolants con- taining only pure water.
•This additive should not be used with coolants con- taining any other substance, including antifreeze substances.
•No other additives shall be used with the specified coolant that has been treated with the recommended additive.
•This procedure is no permanent substitute for a peri- odic maintenance schedule for the specified coolers
•A 1 quart bottle of additive is sufficient to disinfect and treat about 720 coolers.
•Check with the manufacturer of your guns or torches to be sure that this procedure is compat- ible with your equipment.
a.Additive: "Poly Algaecide 30X" containing 30% of active ingredient Poly oxyethylene (dimethylimino) ethylene (dimethylimino) ethylene dichloride.
b.Cooler: Lincoln part number see Parts Pages of this manual.
c.Cooling system: the entire system, including cool- er and accessories (torch, all connecting hoses, etc.)
d.Disinfectant: A
e.ppm: parts per million
f.Treated coolant: A
•Always switch off the Precision TIG machine power.
•Always disconnect the
•Be sure that the coolant presently in the system is at room temperature to avoid being burned.
•Personal safety equipment: chemical safety glasses, rubber gloves.
•See applicable MSDS for additional information.
•Contact the additive manufacturer, local EPA office or applicable environmental agency for responsible disposal methods of both used, treated coolant and used disinfectant.
•Safety hazards are identified in equipment instruc- tion manuals: refer to specific Power Source machine manual and
Drain the cooling system of contaminated coolant:
•Do not reuse this coolant.
•If system contained an
Service the cooler:
•Always unplug the cooler and remove hoses con- nected to the TIG machine. Remove the cooler drawer for thorough cleaning and disinfecting of sys- tem.
•Independently flush out the welding accessories of debris if necessary
•Mechanically clean out the cooler, including reser- voir, of debris if necessary. Power washing may be useful.
•Clean or replace the pump’s inlet strainer as required