Lincoln Electric manual Ranger 225 GXT

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December, 2008


For Machines with Code Number 11522

Safety Depends on You

Lincoln arc welding and cutting equipment is designed and built with safety in mind. However, your overall safety can be increased by proper installation ... and thought- ful operation on your part. DO NOT INSTALL, OPERATE OR R E P A I R T H I S E Q U I P M E N T W I T H O U T R E A D I N G T H I S M A N U A L A N D T H E S A F E T Y PRECAUTIONS CONTAINED T H R O U G H O U T . A n d , m o s t importantly, think before you act and be careful.


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• World's Leader in Welding and Cutting Products •

• Sales and Service through Subsidiaries and Distributors Worldwide •

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Contents Ranger 225 GXT California Proposition 65 Warnings SafetyElectric Shock can kill Iii Welding and Cutting Sparks can Cause fire or explosionSûreté Pour Soudage a LʼArc Précautions DE SûretéThank You Table of Contents Technical Specifications Ranger 225 GXT K2733-1 InstallationMachine Grounding Safety PrecautionsSpark Arrester TowingBattery Connections PRE-OPERATION ServiceGasoline Welding Output Cables Additional Safety PrecautionTotal Combined Length of Electrode and Work Cables Angle of OperationAdditional Safety Precautions Connection of Lincoln Electric Wire FeedersInstructions Location / VentilationWelder Operation Auxiliary PowerType Common Electrical Devices Possible Concerns Electrical Device USE with the Ranger 225 GXTSimultaneous Welding and Power Auxiliary Power While WeldingStandby Power Connections Connection of Ranger 225 GXT to Premises Wiring Operation Engine SwitchGeneral Description Welder Controls Function and OperationRanger 225 GXT Approximate Fuel Consumption Polarity SwitchBREAK-IN Period STARTING/SHUTDOWN InstructionsStarting the Engine Stopping the EngineWelding Process Wire Feed Welding Processes Constant VoltageStick Constant Current Welding TIG Constant Current WeldingStick Auto K1745-1 Welding GAS Cylinder LPG Tank Holder AccessoriesRecommended Equipment Wire FeedStick TIGSafety Precautions MaintenanceRoutine Maintenance Engine OIL ChangeOIL Filter Change AIR Cleaner and Other MaintenanceEngine Adjustments HOW to USE Troubleshooting Guide TroubleshootingTroubleshooting Troubleshooting Enhanced Diagam DiagramsM20266 Dimension Print Ranger 225 GXT Aviso DE Keep your head out of fumes Turn power off before servicing