Name ____________________________________________________________________________________
Street ____________________________________________________________________________________
City ______________________________________________________________State________Zip_________
MODEL _________________________Serial #______________________ Order _______________________
The following information is given on a voluntary basis. It will be used for marketing purposes to help us develop better products and services. Of course, all information is strictly confidential.
1.How did you learn about us?
___Advertisement | ___Friend |
___Catalog | ___Card Deck |
___World Wide Web |
2.Which of the following magazines do you subscribe to.
___American Woodworker | ___Practical Homeowner |
___Cabinetmaker | ___Shop Notes |
___Family Handyman | ___Today’s Homeowner |
___Fine Homebuilding | ___WOOD |
___Fine Woodworking | ___Wooden Boat |
___Home Handyman | ___Woodshop News |
___Journal of Light Construction | ___Woodsmith |
___Old House Journal | ___Woodwork |
___Popular Mechanics | ___Woodworker |
___Popular Science | ___Woodworker’s Journal |
___Popular Woodworking | ___Workbench |
9.How many of your woodworking machines are Grizzly? _____________
10.Which benchtop tools do you own? Check all that apply.
___1" x 42" Belt Sander | ___6" - 8" Grinder |
___5" - 8" Drill Press | ___Mini Lathe |
___8" Table Saw | ___10" - 12" Thickness Planer |
___8" - 10" Bandsaw | ___Scroll Saw |
___Disc⁄Belt Sander | ___Spindle⁄Belt Sander |
___Mini Jointer |
11.How many of the machines checked above are Grizzly? ____________
12.Which portable⁄hand held power tools do you own? Check all that apply.
3.Which of the following woodworking⁄remodeling shows do you watch?
___Backyard America | ___The New Yankee Workshop |
___Home Time | ___This Old House |
___The American Woodworker | ___Woodwright’s Shop |
4.What is your annual household income?
___$90,000 + |
5.What is your age group?
___70 + |
6.How long have you been a woodworker?
___0 - 2 Years | ___8 - 20 Years |
___2 - 8 Years | ___20+ Years |
7.How would you rank your woodworking skills?
___Simple | ___Advanced |
___Intermediate | ___Master Craftsman |
8.What stationary woodworking tools do you own? Check all that apply.
___Air Compressor | ___Panel Saw |
___Band Saw | ___Planer |
___Drill Press | ___Power Feeder |
___Drum Sander | ___Radial Arm Saw |
___Dust Collector | ___Shaper |
___Horizontal Boring Machine | ___Spindle Sander |
___Jointer | ___Table Saw |
___Lathe | ___Vacuum Veneer Press |
___Mortiser | ___Wide Belt Sander |
13.What machines⁄supplies would you like Grizzly Industrial to carry?
14.What new accessories would you like Grizzly Industrial to carry?
___Builders Hardware | ___Hand Tools |
___Fasteners | ___Wood Components |
15.What other companies do you purchase your tools and supplies from?
16.Do you think your purchase represents good value?
___Yes | ___No |
17.Would you recommend Grizzly Industrial to a friend?
___Yes | ___No |
18.Would you allow us to use your name as a reference for Grizzly customers in your area? Note: We never use names more than three times.
___Yes | ___No |