After every approximately 300
1.Change the oil in the air compressor pump as described in Changing Oil on
Page 18.
2.Check for air leaks and correct as needed.
Draining Tank
Water will accumulate in the tank depend- ing on usage and humidity. Drain water from the tank daily to increase the lifespan of the compressor and air tools.
Draining the air from the tank will be extremely loud and debris may be blown into your eyes from the floor. Wear safety glasses and ear protec- tion when draining the tank.
To drain water from the tank:
1.Put on safety goggles and hearing pro- tection.
2.Leave the tank pressurized and turn the knurled knob shown in Figure 16 counterclockwise to drain the water.
Figure 16. Tank drain valve.
Pressure Relief
Valve Test
The pressure relief valve prevents the air tank from exploding should the compres- sor keep building air pressure and not shut off automatically. The safety valve is preset at the factory and must not be tampered with.
Unseating the pressure relief valve will be extremely loud and debris may be blown into your eyes from the floor or the valve. Wear safety glass- es and ear protection when draining the tank.
To check the pressure relief valve:
1.Clean any dirt or dust from the pressure relief valve shown in Figure 17.
2.Allow the air compressor to build full pressure.
Relief Valve
Figure 17. Pressure safety valve.
3.Pull and release the metal ring on top of the safety valve to unseat the valve and to ensure the valve will release air. The pressure safety valve must be replaced if it cannot be pulled, or if it leaks after releasing pressure.
Model T21888 (Mfg. since 2/10)