Craftsman 315.22038 owner manual Installing Control CUT Device, Barrel Carriage Assembly

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See Figure 34.

Note: Before installing the control cut device, the yoke assembly will travel back and forward on the carriage by pulling the handle. After installing the control cut device, the power cord for the control cut device must be plugged in and switch trigger pressed to move the yoke assembly and carriage on the arm.

_k WARNING: Do not install the control cut device until after all of the initial adjustments and

alignments are made to prevent accidental starting of the saw that could result in serious personal injury.

The control cut device offers many benefits. As it increases operator control, it eliminates the risk in a cross cut of the saw "climbing" out and over the workpiece at the operator. Feed control of the blade as it cuts through the workpiece increases, as does the accuracy of the cut.

The control cut cable maintains a steady pull on the carriage assembly from the column. This tension keeps the assembly at the column, unless you squeeze the switch trigger in the handle. The switch trigger activates the motor to counter the pull of the cable.

After a cut is completed, press the switch on the arm off, then release the switch trigger to prevent further forward motion. Hold the handle until the blade has stopped rotating. The yoke assembly will not roll forward unless you are squeezing the switch trigger.

The control cut power cord is designed to operate on a single voltage AC circuit. The speed can be set with a thumbwheel on top of the handle. The three speed settings are described on the label located on the left side of the control cut housing.

,_ WARNING." Do not use the saw without the control cut and blade guards in place unless

specifically instructed to do so. Otherwise uncontrolled contact with the blade could occur, resulting in personal injury.

Plug in the control cut cord, leaving the main power cord disconnected. Squeeze the switch trigger to confirm the control cut motor is receiving power.

On the left side of the saw, remove the carriage lock knob and spring. Remove the two screws that attach the carriage cover and remove the cover.

Replace the spdng and carriage lock knob. Pull the carriage assembly about halfway to the front.

Tighten the carriage lock knob.

Squeeze the switch trigger in the handle with your right hand and pull the spring loaded cable from the column with your left hand. If you prefer to use a pair of pliers, do not damage the cable. Note: Do not to let the spring loaded cable clamp slip out of your hand or pliers. If it slips past the cable bracket and goes up into the control cut motor housing, then disassembly of the control cut assembly will be required to get it back out.

Place the barrel fitting into the socket at the back of the carriage assembly.

nRemove the carriage lock knob and spdng. Replace the carriage cover and screws, then replace the spring and carriage lock knob.

Set the speed thumbwheel, using the chart on the label. If you are unsure of the proper speed setting, use the lowest setting.




,_= WARNING: Take great care when working with either cord to ensure you have the correct one. If

you intend to unplug the main power cord but remove the control cut cord instead, the blade could be accidentally started and cause injury.


Fig. 34



Image 42
Contents OwnersManual Full ONE Year Warranty on Craftsman Radial ARM SAW CliaFTtHIIIr RADIALSAW315.220380 Safety Alert Symbol Read ALL InstructionsNever USE this Tool in AN Explosive Avoid Awkward Operations and HandBe Sure the Blade Clears the Work Page Grounding Instructions Extension CordsElectrical Connection PIN Coverof Grounded OutletboxAssembly section Changing VoltageSee Figures CRRFTSMRWRADIALSAW315.22038010 Resin Sticky,sap-basedsubstance SAW Assemblyshownas Packed CtorDE CdefOo0 Framingsquare 15RIIFTIMRNRADIALSAW315.220380 Ftsmanreplacementparts SernoRRFTMRNRADIALSAW315.22038016 Advertencia 17CRAFTSMANRADIALSAW315.220380Method Know Your Radial SAWSee a Yoke ControlFeatureslist See Figures 9A-9DFigures 9A and 9B MOTOR13/6.5AMP- Powersthe blade and is Dustguide Holddown Downknob Upper Bladeguard LowerHexnut See Figures 10,4 10CMounting SAW to LEG Stand Elevating Shaft Handwheel Screw StarwasherArmlockknob Carriagearm Lockknob Installing the Yoke AssemblyArmviewedfrombelow Clockwasher CAP ScrewsSee Figure Removing the BladeAttaching Table Supports Leveling The Table Supports sectionSetting the ARM Lock Knob Yokelock HandleRAFTSMANRADIALSAW315.22038026 Setting the Bevel Lock Lever Starwasher Socketscrew Bevel LockleverBevellockleverin Correctlockedposition Tightening the ARM and Column Tube Column SupportColumn Silverblack Screws Columnsupport Elevation AdjustmentRotation Adjustment CAP Screws 29RRFTSMIWRADIALSAW315,220380Carriagebearing Adjusting the Carriage BearingsSee Figures 21A and 21B Eccentricscrew Wrench Graspand Hold CarriagebearingLeveling the Table Supports Blade Wrenchat Front Armlock Knob Bevel IndexknobInstalling the Front Table SetscrewHexnut Leveling the Front Table If there are any high or low areas on the front tableSupport CUP To Washer Loosen Thumbscrew Bladeguard AssembledWasher Hole Screwand NUT Rivingknifebladenut Blade TightenAlign Riving Knife to Blade Installing RIP Scale Indicators Screws RIP Scale Indicator Carriage SpeednutSpring Carriage Screws Lockknob Straight Edge Framing Square Thereshouldbeno Gapherewhen Elevating HandwheelSee Figures 3OA 30D Bladesquaretotable Noadjustmentneeded Framing SquareAligning Blade to Table AT Obevel ARM Lockknob IndexcapSee Figures 31A 31C SAW Viewed From Above Blade Square Adjustment BladeSquaring Blade to Fence ArmlockknobAdjustment GAP Paralleling Blade to TableSee Figures 32A-32C OUT-RIPSCALEONLEFTSIDE of ARM RIP-SCALEINDICATOR Aligning the RIP Scale IndicatorsIN-RIPSCALEON Rightsideof ARM RIP-SCALEINDICATOR CarriagelockknobInstalling Control CUT Device Barrel Carriage AssemblyCrosscuts Basic Operation of the Radial ARM SAWTypes of Cuts RIP CutsCauses of Kickback Switch and Switch KEYInsertswitchkey Switchon Switchoff Avoiding KickbackPushblocks Cutting AidsPushsticks FeatherboardsCarriage Lockknob Tableclamps Switch BevelMaking a Cross CUT Crosscut Rivingknife Elevating HandwheelMaking a Miter CUT Ercut Elevating HandwheelSwitch Handleyokelock Riving Elevating Handwheel Making a Bevel CUTMaking a Compound Cross CUT Beveledand Elevating HandwheelSwitch Elevating RIP CUT Hazards and PrecautionsSetting UP a RIP CUT InfeedforSwitch ANTI-KICKBACK Pawls Making a RIP CUTOUT RIP Cutting Blade Cutting Long Workpieces Making Oher CutsSee Supportlongworkpieces IRAFTNIINRADIALSAW315.22038052NON-THROUGH Cuts NON-THROUGHCUTGeneral Maintenance MOTOR/ELECTRICALProblem Cause SolutionProblem Cause Solution Problem Causesolution See Adjusting the Column Tube in Assembly section57CRRFTSMANRADIALSAW315.220380 Problem See Squaring the Blade toArm Lock See Adjusting the Column Cause SolutionFence in Adjustments section Tube in Assembly sectionSeergurei Craftsman Radial ARM SAW Model noDescription Quan Craftsman Radial ARM SAW- Model noKEY Part NO. Number KEY PartSee Figure Figure BCraftsman Radial ARM SAW Model no .22038Q KEY Part NumberRadial ARM SAW Model no Figure CParts List for Figure C Craftsman Radial ARM SAW Model noCraftsman Radial ARM SAW Model no Parts List for Figure O Keypart NO.NUMBERCraftsman Radial ARM SAW- Model no Rgure ECraftsman Radial ARM SAW- Model no 69CRRFTSMBWRADIALSAW315.220380Seefigureg Craftsman RADIAL-ARM SAW Model noParts List for Figure F DescriptionFigure G See Figure FCraftsman Radial ARM SAW Model no 73RRFTSMIINRADIALSAW315.220380Figure H Parts List for Figure H KEY Part Number Description11 9 Parts List for Figure Seergurek Rgure JParts List for Figure J Figure K Parts List for Figure K PartsDirect