Craftsman 315.22038 owner manual Problem, See Squaring the Blade to, Arm Lock

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Miter or cross cuts are not true.

Wood edges away from fence when ripping.


1.Scale pointer is not correct.

2.Column is out of alignment.

3.Carriage is misaligned.

4.Yoke is loose on carriage.

5.Arm is out of alignment.

6, Sawdust has collected between tables.

7.Table top is not parallel to the arm.

8.Fence/tables are not straight.

1.Blade is not parallel with fence.


1.Reset the pointer at the top rear of arm.

2.See Adjusting the Column Tube in Assembly section.

3.See Setting the Arm Lock Wheel in the Assembly section.

4.See Setting the Yoke Clamp procedure in Assembly section.

5.See Aligning Arm for Cross Cuts in Adjustments section.

6.Remove and clean tables.

7.See Leveling Table Supports and Leveling the Front Table in the Assembly section.

8.Check with square; sand or replace.

1.See Squaring the Blade to the

Fence procedure in the Adjust- ments section.

Depth of cut varies from one end of wood to the other.

2.Arm is not perpendicular to fence.

3.Riving knife needs adjustment.

1.Table is not parallel to arm.

2.See Aligning the Arm for Cross Cuts procedure in the Adjust- ments section.

3.See Aligning the Riving Knife to the Blade procedure in the Adjustments section.

1.See Leveling Table Supports and Leveling the Front Table in the Assembly section.

Riving knife strikes wood dudng a


2.Column tube is loose in column 2. See Adjusting the Column





Tube in Assembly section.


Arm is loose

or misaligned.


See Setting

the Arm Lock





Wheel in the Assembly section.


Riving knife

not aligned with


See Aligning

the Riving Knife to





the Blade procedure in the









Image 58
Contents OwnersManual Full ONE Year Warranty on Craftsman Radial ARM SAW CliaFTtHIIIr RADIALSAW315.220380 Safety Alert Symbol Read ALL InstructionsNever USE this Tool in AN Explosive Avoid Awkward Operations and HandBe Sure the Blade Clears the Work Page Grounding Instructions Extension CordsElectrical Connection PIN Coverof Grounded OutletboxChanging Voltage Assembly sectionSee Figures CRRFTSMRWRADIALSAW315.22038010 Resin Sticky,sap-basedsubstance SAW Assemblyshownas Packed CtorDE CdefOo0 Framingsquare 15RIIFTIMRNRADIALSAW315.220380 Serno FtsmanreplacementpartsRRFTMRNRADIALSAW315.22038016 Advertencia 17CRAFTSMANRADIALSAW315.220380Method Know Your Radial SAWSee a Yoke ControlFeatureslist See Figures 9A-9DFigures 9A and 9B MOTOR13/6.5AMP- Powersthe blade and is Dustguide Holddown Downknob Upper Bladeguard LowerHexnut See Figures 10,4 10CMounting SAW to LEG Stand Elevating Shaft Handwheel Screw StarwasherArmlockknob Carriagearm Lockknob Installing the Yoke AssemblyArmviewedfrombelow Clockwasher CAP ScrewsSee Figure Removing the BladeAttaching Table Supports Leveling The Table Supports sectionYokelock Handle Setting the ARM Lock KnobRAFTSMANRADIALSAW315.22038026 Starwasher Socketscrew Bevel Locklever Setting the Bevel Lock LeverBevellockleverin Correctlockedposition Tightening the ARM and Column Tube Column SupportColumn Silverblack Screws Columnsupport Elevation AdjustmentRotation Adjustment CAP Screws 29RRFTSMIWRADIALSAW315,220380Carriagebearing Adjusting the Carriage BearingsSee Figures 21A and 21B Eccentricscrew Wrench Graspand Hold CarriagebearingLeveling the Table Supports Blade Wrenchat Front Armlock Knob Bevel IndexknobSetscrew Installing the Front TableHexnut Leveling the Front Table If there are any high or low areas on the front tableSupport CUP To Washer Loosen Thumbscrew Bladeguard AssembledWasher Hole Screwand NUT Rivingknifebladenut Blade TightenAlign Riving Knife to Blade RIP Scale Indicator Carriage Speednut Installing RIP Scale Indicators ScrewsSpring Carriage Screws Lockknob Straight Edge Framing Square Thereshouldbeno Gapherewhen Elevating HandwheelSee Figures 3OA 30D Bladesquaretotable Noadjustmentneeded Framing SquareAligning Blade to Table AT Obevel ARM Lockknob IndexcapSee Figures 31A 31C SAW Viewed From Above Blade Square Adjustment BladeSquaring Blade to Fence ArmlockknobParalleling Blade to Table Adjustment GAPSee Figures 32A-32C OUT-RIPSCALEONLEFTSIDE of ARM RIP-SCALEINDICATOR Aligning the RIP Scale IndicatorsIN-RIPSCALEON Rightsideof ARM RIP-SCALEINDICATOR CarriagelockknobInstalling Control CUT Device Barrel Carriage AssemblyCrosscuts Basic Operation of the Radial ARM SAWTypes of Cuts RIP CutsCauses of Kickback Switch and Switch KEYInsertswitchkey Switchon Switchoff Avoiding KickbackPushblocks Cutting AidsPushsticks FeatherboardsCarriage Lockknob Tableclamps Switch BevelMaking a Cross CUT Crosscut Rivingknife Elevating HandwheelMaking a Miter CUT Ercut Elevating HandwheelSwitch Handleyokelock Riving Elevating Handwheel Making a Bevel CUTMaking a Compound Cross CUT Beveledand Elevating HandwheelSwitch Elevating RIP CUT Hazards and PrecautionsSetting UP a RIP CUT InfeedforMaking a RIP CUT Switch ANTI-KICKBACK PawlsOUT RIP Cutting Blade Cutting Long Workpieces Making Oher CutsSee Supportlongworkpieces IRAFTNIINRADIALSAW315.22038052NON-THROUGH Cuts NON-THROUGHCUTGeneral Maintenance MOTOR/ELECTRICALProblem Cause SolutionProblem Cause Solution See Adjusting the Column Tube in Assembly section Problem Causesolution57CRRFTSMANRADIALSAW315.220380 See Squaring the Blade to ProblemArm Lock See Adjusting the Column Cause SolutionFence in Adjustments section Tube in Assembly sectionSeergurei Craftsman Radial ARM SAW Model noDescription Quan Craftsman Radial ARM SAW- Model noKEY Part NO. Number KEY PartSee Figure Figure BCraftsman Radial ARM SAW Model no .22038Q KEY Part NumberRadial ARM SAW Model no Figure CParts List for Figure C Craftsman Radial ARM SAW Model noCraftsman Radial ARM SAW Model no Parts List for Figure O Keypart NO.NUMBERCraftsman Radial ARM SAW- Model no Rgure ECraftsman Radial ARM SAW- Model no 69CRRFTSMBWRADIALSAW315.220380Seefigureg Craftsman RADIAL-ARM SAW Model noParts List for Figure F DescriptionFigure G See Figure FCraftsman Radial ARM SAW Model no 73RRFTSMIINRADIALSAW315.220380Figure H Parts List for Figure H KEY Part Number Description11 9 Parts List for Figure Seergurek Rgure JParts List for Figure J Figure K Parts List for Figure K PartsDirect