42 GW
Threaded hangers "T" bar
(to be removed)
First position the connection lines , as described in the chapter "Water connections".
Remove the "T" bar in order to facilitate installation operations.
Suspension brackets
Carefully lift the unit (without the frame) using the four suspension brackets (or the four corners), inserting it into the false ceiling.
If the "T" bar cannot be removed the unit may need to be tilted (this operation may only be carried out with false ceilings with a minimum height of 300 mm).
False ceiling
Spirit level
Align and level the unit by adjusting the nuts and locknuts on the threaded hangers, maintaining a distance of 25
Reposition the "T" bar and align the unit in relation to the bar by tightening the nuts and locknuts.
After connection of the condensate drain line and the refrigerant lines, carry out a final check to make sure that the unit is level.
Condensate drain pipe
•To ensure correct condensate water flow, the drain pipe should have a gradient of 2% without obstructions. Furthermore an odour trap of at least 50 mm depth should be made to prevent unpleasant odours from reaching the room.
•Condensate may be discharged at a maximum height of 200 mm above the unit, as long as the ascending tube is vertical and aligned with the drainage flange.
•If it is necessary to discharge the condensate from a level above 200 mm, install an auxiliary water discharge pump and float valve.
A float valve is recommended to stop the flow switch if there is a fault at the auxiliary pump.
•The condensate pipe must be insulated with a condensation- proof material such as polyurethane, propylene or neoprene of 5 to 10 mm thickness.
•If more than one unit is installed in the room, the drain system can be made as shown in the drawing.
GB - 7