Grizzly G0725 Bevel Cutting, To edge joint on the jointer,  GZVY VcY jcYZghiVcY SAFETY#

Page 31

To edge joint on the jointer:


2. BV`Z hjgZ ndjg hidX` ]Vh WZZc ^cheZXiZY [dgYVc\ZgdjhXdcY^i^dchVhYZhXg^WZY^ci]Z Choosing and Jointing Stock ^chigjXi^dch dcPage 26#

3. HZii]ZXjii^c\YZei][dgndjgdeZgVi^dc#LZ hj\\Zhi WZilZZc &¿&+ VcY &¿- [dg ZY\Z _d^ci" ^c\! jh^c\ V bdgZ h]Vaadl YZei] [dg ]VgY lddYheZX^Zhdg[dgl^YZhidX`#

4. BV`ZhjgZi]Z[ZcXZ^hhZiid.%ß#

5. >[ndjgldg`e^ZXZ^hXjeeZYlVgeZY!hfjVgZ i]Z hidX` WZ[dgZ ZY\Z _d^ci^c\ Wn hjg[VXZ eaVc^c\ i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ jci^a ^i ^h [aVi dc Wdi] h^YZh#

6. HiVgii]Z_d^ciZg#

7. EgZhhi]Zldg`e^ZXZV\V^chii]Z^c[ZZYiVWaZ VcY[ZcXZl^i][^gbegZhhjgZ#JhZndjgigV^a^c\ ]VcYid\j^YZi]Zldg`e^ZXZi]gdj\]i]ZXji! VcY[ZZYi]Zldg`e^ZXZdkZgi]ZXjiiZg]ZVY! Vhh]dlc^cFigure 37#

Note: If your leading hand gets within 4" of the cutterhead, lift it up and over the cutterhead, and place it on the portion of the workpiece that is over the outfeed table. Now, focus your pressure on the outfeed end of the workpiece while feeding, and repeat the same action with your trailing hand when it gets within 4" of the cutterhead. To keep your hands safe, DO NOT let them get closer than 4" from the cutterhead when it is mov- ing! Failure to heed this warning could result in serious personal injury.

8. GZeZViStep 7jci^ai]ZZci^gZZY\Z^h[aVi#


Bevel Cutting

I]ZejgedhZd[WZkZaXjii^c\^hidXjii]ZZY\Zd[ Vldg`e^ZXZViVheZX^[^XVc\aZhZZFigure 40#

I]^h _d^ciZg ]Vh [ZcXZ hideh ndj XVc hZi Vi .%ß! )*ß ^clVgY! VcY )*ß djilVgY &(*ß# >[ ndjg h^ij" Vi^dcgZfj^gZhVY^[[ZgZciVc\aZ!i]Z[ZcXZXVcWZ adX`ZYVcnl]ZgZWZilZZci]ZhZVc\aZh#


If you are not experienced with a jointer, set the depth of cut to zero, and practice feeding the workpiece across the tables as described below. This procedure will better prepare you for the actual operation.

Figure 40#>aajhigVi^dcd[WZkZaXjii^c\gZhjaih#

To bevel cut on the jointer:


2. BV`ZhjgZndjghidX`]VhWZZc^cheZXiZY[dg YVc\ZgdjhXdcY^i^dchVhYZhXg^WZYdcPage 26#

3. HZii]ZXjii^c\YZei][dgndjgdeZgVi^dc#LZ hj\\Zhi WZilZZc &¿&+ VcY &¿- [dg WZkZa Xji" i^c\0WjijhZVbdgZh]VaadlYZei]l]ZcXji" i^c\]VgYlddYhdgl^YZhjg[VXZh#

4. BV`Z hjgZ ndjg [ZcXZ ^h hZi id i]Z Vc\aZ YZh^gZYVcYhZXjgZanadX`ZY#


Image 31
Contents Model G0725 Jointer Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents NdjgBVXcZ IntroductionManual Accuracy Contact Info Machine DescriptionBdYZa%,*B\#HcXZ%.$&& Identification  9jhi8daaZXidc7V\ViZY# Glossary Of TermsInfeed Table IZVYjhiVWaZhZXidcdiZdciZg Ripples 6bViZgVaYZZXilZgZiZZZYgViZhHeec\9bZchdch DiZgcdgbVidc Lidji ZVgc\ egdiZXidc XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ZVgc\adhh# SafetySafety Instructions for Machinery DWhZgkc\ bVXcZgn id gZYjXZ iZ gh` d ZnZZghWZXdbZVYhigVXidc# Children & BYSTANDERS. @ZZe XaYgZcWorkpiece SUPPORT. Hjeedgic\ iZ Circuit Requirements Power SupplyAvailability Full-Load Current Rating50 ft Grounding & Plug RequirementsExtension Cords Minimum Gauge Size 14 AWGDescription Qty SetupNeeded for Setup UnpackingJointer Inventory Figures Qty InventoryBasic steps for removing rust preventative Cleanup EjidchVZin\aVhhZh# Workbench Load Placement LocationSite Considerations Mounting Installing Fence To check the outfeed table alignment Checking Outfeed Table AlignmentGZeZViSteps 4-8liiZdiZgXjiiZgZVY `cZ# To adjust the height of the cutterhead knivesTo Install the dust collection chute and bag Dust Collection Power ConnectionConnecting Power Disconnecting Power IgnidiZhiVgiiZbVXcZliiZeVYYaZ hliX# Test RunTo test run the machine  #Operation Overview Operations# HidehiZbVXcZ# Basic Controls Depth of Cut Adjustment Knob/Ih`cdWDust Collection Chute and Bag/ Ih To set the 90º stop Fence Angle StopsClVgY Hide7dai To set the inward 45º stopEaViZ To set the outward 45º stop8ZX`c\iZdjilVgY*§hide# DjilVgY Hide7dai ?VbCji#/22%#4 Choosing Jointing StockBc# ¿Bc# VXZ Squaring Stock Surface Planing BV`ZhjgZndjgZcXZhhZiid.%ß#  GZVY VcY jcYZghiVcY SAFETY#Edge Jointing To surface plane on the jointer BV`ZhjgZiZZcXZhhZiid.%ß#  GZVY VcY jcYZghiVcY SAFETY#Bevel Cutting To edge joint on the jointer#mVbeaZediddVineXVaWZkZaXji Ic\deZgVidc#H7828-Shop Fox Tool Table Plus AccessoriesLubrication MaintenanceCleaning ScheduleHnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc ServiceTroubleshooting Motor & ElectricalIZVXZdiZWdVgY# DiZgciZXjiiZgZVY# LiiZXjiiZgZVY# Cutting OperationsTo replace the fan belt Adjusting/Replacing BeltsTools NeededQty To realign or replace the cutterhead beltWan# Replacing Motor BrushesTo replace motor brushes 9H8DCC8I?DCIGGDBEDLG#@cZ 6YjhibZci ?VX` HXgZlh Replacing Cutterhead KnivesTo replace cutterhead knives 8jiiZgZVY 8aVbeHXgZlhXdbedcZcih# WiringWiring Safety Instructions Shock HAZARD. Ldg`c\dclgc\iVihXdcGdjcY Wiring DiagramMain Breakdown PartsDescription Main Parts ListCDI/6a\cihaVWZaliXjiiZgZVYigdVi# Machine Labels10. 8dbbZcih $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZWarranty & Returns Order