Grizzly G0725 owner manual Glossary Of Terms, Infeed Table IZVYjhiVWaZhZXidcdiZdciZg, ViZY#

Page 6

Glossary Of Terms

I]Z[daadl^c\^hVa^hid[XdbbdcYZ[^c^i^dch!iZgbhVcYe]gVhZhjhZYi]gdj\]djii]^hbVcjVaVhi]ZngZaViZ idi]^h_d^ciZgVcYlddYldg`^c\^c\ZcZgVa#7ZXdbZ[Vb^a^Vgl^i]i]ZhZiZgbh[dgVhhZbWa^c\!VY_jhi^c\dg deZgVi^c\i]^hbVX]^cZ#NdjghV[Zin^hVERY ^bedgiVciidjhVi<g^ooan

Bed Length: I]ZXdbW^cZYaZc\i]d[i]Z^c[ZZY VcYdji[ZZYiVWaZ#

Bed Width: I]Zl^Yi]d[i]Z^c[ZZYVcYdji[ZZY iVWaZh#

Bevel Edge Jointing: I^ai^c\ i]Z [ZcXZ id Vc Vc\aZWZilZZc%•VcY)*•^clVgYVcYdjilVgY id_d^ciVWZkZaZYZY\ZdcidVldg`e^ZXZ#

Burn: 6bViZg^VaYZ[ZXiVeeZVg^c\VhVYVg`hedi dci]ZbViZg^Va#>i^hXVjhZYWni]Z[g^Xi^dcd[i]Z bViZg^VaeVhh^c\dkZgi]ZXjiiZg]ZVY#

Concave Cuts: 6bViZg^VaYZ[ZXil]ZgZi]ZXZc" iZgd[i]ZbViZg^Va^hXdcXVkZ!XVjhZYWncdc" eVgVaaZaiVWaZh#

Convex Cuts: 6 bViZg^Va YZ[ZXi l]ZgZ i]Z XZc" iZg d[ i]Z bViZg^Va ^h XdckZm! XVjhZY Wn cdc" eVgVaaZaiVWaZh#

Cutterhead: I]Z he^cc^c\ ]ZVY i]Vi ]daYh i]Z _d^ciZg`c^kZh#

Cutterhead Guard: 6heg^c\bdjciZYXdkZgi]Vi

egZkZcih deZgVidg XdciVXi l^i] i]Z XjiiZg]ZVY!

nZi Vaadlh i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ id eVhh dkZg i]Z


Cutterhead Rotation: I]ZY^gZXi^dci]ZXjiiZg]ZVY he^chl]Zc_d^ciZg^h^cdeZgVi^dc#

Depth-of-Cut:I]ZVbdjcid[bViZg^Vai]Z_d^ciZg gZbdkZh^cVh^c\aZeVhh#

Fence: I]ZbZiVa\j^YZVadc\l]^X]i]Zldg`e^ZXZ g^YZhl]ZceVhh^c\dkZgi]Z_d^ciZg#>ihVc\aZ^h VY_jhiVWaZ# EgdeZg Vc\aZ VY_jhibZci ^h ZhhZc" i^Va[dgVXXjgViZ_d^ciZgdeZgVi^dch#

Infeed Table: I]ZVY_jhiVWaZhZXi^dcd[i]Z_d^ciZg




Outfeed Table: I]Z hiVi^dcVgn edgi^dc d[ i]Z _d^ciZgjedcl]^X]i]ZbViZg^Vag^YZhV[iZgeVhh" ^c\dkZgi]ZXjiiZg]ZVY#

Push Blocks: HV[ZinYZk^XZhi]ViVaadli]ZdeZg" Vidgh]VcYhidhiVnVlVn[gdbi]ZXjiiZg]ZVY l]^aZ[ZZY^c\i]ZbViZg^Vai]gdj\]i]Z_d^ciZg#

Rough Cuts: 6bViZg^VaYZ[ZXil]ZgZi]Z_d^ciZg WaVYZh [V^a id hZkZg lddY [^WZgh VcY iZVg dji dXXjgh#

Ripples: 6bViZg^VaYZ[ZXil]ZgZi]Z[ZZYgViZ^h

idd [Vhi VcY i]Z Xji d[ i]Z `c^kZh ^h ZmV\\Zg"


Ribbed Cut: 6bViZg^VaYZ[ZXil]ZgZVcjcZkZc hjg[VXZ ^h egdYjXZY dc i]Z _d^ciZY [VXZ d[ i]Z bViZg^Va0 ^i jhjVaan VeeZVgh Vh cVggdl ]^\] hedih dkZg i]Z aZc\i] d[ i]Z bViZg^Va#

Snipe: 6 bViZg^Va YZ[ZXi VeeZVg^c\ Vh V WZk"



Feed Direction: I]ZY^gZXi^dc^cl]^X]bViZg^Va^h eVhhZYdkZgi]Z_d^ciZgYjg^c\V_d^ci^c\deZgV" i^dc#




Image 6
Contents Model G0725 Jointer Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Machine Description IntroductionManual Accuracy Contact Info NdjgBVXcZ 9jhi8daaZXidc7V\ Identification BdYZa%,*B\#HcXZ%.$&&Ripples 6bViZgVaYZZXilZgZiZZZYgViZh Glossary Of TermsInfeed Table IZVYjhiVWaZhZXidcdiZdciZg ViZY#Heec\9bZchdch DiZgcdgbVidc DWhZgkc\ bVXcZgn id gZYjXZ iZ gh` d ZnZ SafetySafety Instructions for Machinery Lidji ZVgc\ egdiZXidc XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ZVgc\adhh#Children & BYSTANDERS. @ZZe XaYgZc ZghWZXdbZVYhigVXidc#Workpiece SUPPORT. Hjeedgic\ iZ Full-Load Current Rating Power SupplyAvailability Circuit RequirementsMinimum Gauge Size 14 AWG Grounding & Plug RequirementsExtension Cords 50 ftUnpacking SetupNeeded for Setup Description QtyInventory Jointer Inventory Figures QtyCleanup Basic steps for removing rust preventative EjidchVZin\aVhhZh# Mounting Placement LocationSite Considerations Workbench Load Installing Fence Checking Outfeed Table Alignment To check the outfeed table alignmentTo adjust the height of the cutterhead knives GZeZViSteps 4-8liiZdiZgXjiiZgZVY `cZ#Disconnecting Power Dust Collection Power ConnectionConnecting Power To Install the dust collection chute and bag # Test RunTo test run the machine  IgnidiZhiVgiiZbVXcZliiZeVYYaZ hliX#Operations Operation Overview# HidehiZbVXcZ# Depth of Cut Adjustment Knob/Ih`cdW Basic ControlsDust Collection Chute and Bag/ Ih Fence Angle Stops To set the 90º stopTo set the outward 45º stop To set the inward 45º stopEaViZ ClVgY Hide7daiDjilVgY Hide7dai ?VbCji 8ZX`c\iZdjilVgY*§hide#Choosing Jointing Stock #/22%#4Bc# ¿Bc# Squaring Stock Surface Planing VXZTo surface plane on the jointer  GZVY VcY jcYZghiVcY SAFETY#Edge Jointing  BV`ZhjgZndjgZcXZhhZiid.%ß#To edge joint on the jointer  GZVY VcY jcYZghiVcY SAFETY#Bevel Cutting  BV`ZhjgZiZZcXZhhZiid.%ß#Ic\deZgVidc# #mVbeaZediddVineXVaWZkZaXjiAccessories H7828-Shop Fox Tool Table PlusSchedule MaintenanceCleaning LubricationMotor & Electrical ServiceTroubleshooting Hnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidcCutting Operations IZVXZdiZWdVgY# DiZgciZXjiiZgZVY# LiiZXjiiZgZVY#To realign or replace the cutterhead belt Adjusting/Replacing BeltsTools NeededQty To replace the fan belt9H8DCC8I?DCIGGDBEDLG# Replacing Motor BrushesTo replace motor brushes Wan#8jiiZgZVY 8aVbeHXgZlh Replacing Cutterhead KnivesTo replace cutterhead knives @cZ 6YjhibZci ?VX` HXgZlhShock HAZARD. Ldg`c\dclgc\iVihXdc WiringWiring Safety Instructions XdbedcZcih#Wiring Diagram GdjcYParts Main BreakdownMain Parts List DescriptionMachine Labels CDI/6a\cihaVWZaliXjiiZgZVYigdVi#10. 8dbbZcih EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7! Warranty & Returns Order