Grizzly G0725 Replacing Motor Brushes, To replace motor brushes, 9H8DCC8I?DCIGGDBEDLG#, Wan#

Page 38

Replacing Motor


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Tools NeededQty

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To replace motor brushes:


2. L]^aZ[VX^c\i]ZgZVgd[i]Z_d^ciZg!i^e^iVlVn

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4. IV`Zi]^hdeedgijc^inidXaZVgYjhiVcYYZWg^h [gdb^ch^YZi]Z_d^ciZg#

5. JhZVY^bZidjchXgZli]ZWgjh]XVeh#HZZ Figure 47 idadXViZi]ZWgjh]XVeh#

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Figure 47#GZbdk^c\VbdidgWgjh]#


Note: When you remove the brush caps, a spring will pop out of the socket; the carbon brush is firmly attached to this spring. When you buy a new brush kit, you will get a pair of brush/spring assemblies. Do not separate the brush from the spring.

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Image 38
Contents Model G0725 Jointer Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Machine Description IntroductionManual Accuracy Contact Info NdjgBVXcZ 9jhi8daaZXidc7V\ Identification BdYZa%,*B\#HcXZ%.$&&Ripples 6bViZgVaYZZXilZgZiZZZYgViZh Glossary Of TermsInfeed Table IZVYjhiVWaZhZXidcdiZdciZg ViZY#Heec\9bZchdch DiZgcdgbVidc DWhZgkc\ bVXcZgn id gZYjXZ iZ gh` d ZnZ SafetySafety Instructions for Machinery Lidji ZVgc\ egdiZXidc XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ZVgc\adhh#Children & BYSTANDERS. @ZZe XaYgZc ZghWZXdbZVYhigVXidc#Workpiece SUPPORT. Hjeedgic\ iZ Full-Load Current Rating Power SupplyAvailability Circuit RequirementsMinimum Gauge Size 14 AWG Grounding & Plug RequirementsExtension Cords 50 ftUnpacking SetupNeeded for Setup Description QtyInventory Jointer Inventory Figures Qty EjidchVZin\aVhhZh# CleanupBasic steps for removing rust preventative Mounting Placement LocationSite Considerations Workbench Load Installing Fence Checking Outfeed Table Alignment To check the outfeed table alignmentTo adjust the height of the cutterhead knives GZeZViSteps 4-8liiZdiZgXjiiZgZVY `cZ#Disconnecting Power Dust Collection Power ConnectionConnecting Power To Install the dust collection chute and bag # Test RunTo test run the machine  IgnidiZhiVgiiZbVXcZliiZeVYYaZ hliX## HidehiZbVXcZ# OperationsOperation Overview Dust Collection Chute and Bag/ Ih Depth of Cut Adjustment Knob/Ih`cdWBasic Controls Fence Angle Stops To set the 90º stopTo set the outward 45º stop To set the inward 45º stopEaViZ ClVgY Hide7daiDjilVgY Hide7dai ?VbCji 8ZX`c\iZdjilVgY*§hide#Bc# ¿Bc# Choosing Jointing Stock#/22%#4 Squaring Stock Surface Planing VXZTo surface plane on the jointer  GZVY VcY jcYZghiVcY SAFETY#Edge Jointing  BV`ZhjgZndjgZcXZhhZiid.%ß#To edge joint on the jointer  GZVY VcY jcYZghiVcY SAFETY#Bevel Cutting  BV`ZhjgZiZZcXZhhZiid.%ß#Ic\deZgVidc# #mVbeaZediddVineXVaWZkZaXjiAccessories H7828-Shop Fox Tool Table PlusSchedule MaintenanceCleaning LubricationMotor & Electrical ServiceTroubleshooting Hnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidcCutting Operations IZVXZdiZWdVgY# DiZgciZXjiiZgZVY# LiiZXjiiZgZVY#To realign or replace the cutterhead belt Adjusting/Replacing BeltsTools NeededQty To replace the fan belt9H8DCC8I?DCIGGDBEDLG# Replacing Motor BrushesTo replace motor brushes Wan#8jiiZgZVY 8aVbeHXgZlh Replacing Cutterhead KnivesTo replace cutterhead knives @cZ 6YjhibZci ?VX` HXgZlhShock HAZARD. Ldg`c\dclgc\iVihXdc WiringWiring Safety Instructions XdbedcZcih#Wiring Diagram GdjcYParts Main BreakdownMain Parts List DescriptionMachine Labels CDI/6a\cihaVWZaliXjiiZgZVYigdVi#10. 8dbbZcih EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7! Warranty & Returns Order