5. >[ndjgldg`e^ZXZ^hXjeeZYlVgeZY!hfjVgZ i]Z hidX` WZ[dgZ ZY\Z _d^ci^c\ Wn hjg[VXZ eaVc^c\ i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ jci^a ^i ^h [aVi dc Wdi] h^YZh#
6. HiVgii]Z_d^ciZg#
7. L^i] V ejh] WadX` ^c ndjg aZVY^c\ ]VcY! egZhhi]Zldg`e^ZXZV\V^chii]Z^c[ZZYiVWaZ VcY [ZcXZ l^i] [^gb egZhhjgZ! VcY [ZZY i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ dkZg i]Z XjiiZg]ZVY! Vh h]dlc ^c Figure 41#
Figure 41#:mVbeaZe]didd[Vine^XVaWZkZaXji"
Note: If your leading hand gets within 4" of the cutterhead, lift it up and over the cutterhead, and place it on the portion of the workpiece that is over the outfeed table. Now, focus your pressure on the outfeed end of the workpiece while feeding, and repeat the same action with your trailing hand when it gets within 4" of the cutterhead. To keep your hands safe, DO NOT let them get closer than 4" from the cutterhead when it is mov- ing!
8. GZeZViStep 7jci^ai]ZVc\aZYXji^hhVi^h[VX" idgnidndjgcZZYh#